Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18

Cameron walked back into the archive with a goofy love-struck grin on his face. "Did you and Kay finish your little make out session?"

Cameron gave Jonathan a look, "Really? Really?"

"Well, you walked out with her alone and it took a while for you to simply walk her to her car."

"Where are the others?"

"Dina's gone off to get some groceries so she walked Mike out and Gunter and Jordan are debating on what to feed Farrah for dinner."

Cameron smirked, "Really? They're debating about baby food now?"

"Well, Jordan is still after his twenty bucks and thinks that she would like sweet potatoes more than carrots." Johnny smirked as he bounced Farrah up and down in his arms. He smiled as the child giggled and tried kicking her legs, "I think you want to walk, don't you?"

Jonathan kneeled on the floor as he had Farrah grip his hands as he held her upright. Cameron took out his phone, "I gotta get this."

Farrah wobbled a bit as she moved her right leg forward a bit. "It's okay Farrah, you can do this. It's just practice." Jonathan said as Farrah moved her left leg, "If you can't do it yet, we can always try again later. I'm right behind you." Farrah started taking tiny steps as Johnny shuffled slowly behind her just in case she fell back. She smiled at Cameron before she bent her knees and sat back down.

Cameron smiled as he saved the video, "I think we just captured her first steps."

"Well, we still haven't looked through all of Shawn and Fiona's home videos but... I think so too." Johnny said, picking up his niece off the floor, "Think she can talk?"

"Well, she isn't even a year old yet but maybe she can say something." Cameron held out his hand and his niece grabbed his index finger, "Farrah, do you think you can say something?"

Farrah only smiled at both uncles. Jonathan thought for a moment, "Cam, can you get a photo of Shawn and Fiona from the table." Cameron nodded as he took Shawn and Fiona's wedding photo and brought it over, Jonathan took the photo and smiled, "They really look happy."

"They do."

Johnny brought the photo closer for his niece to see, "Hey Farrah... do you know who this is?"

Farrah let out a happy-sounding noise when her eyes caught the photo. She placed a hand on the photo, "Mama."

Cam gave a sad sigh, "Yeah Farrah... that's your mama."

Her little hand moved from Fiona's face to Shawn's face, "Dada."

Jonathan gave a deep sigh, "The fact that she knows they're her parents makes this even harder. What if when she gets a little older, she calls out for Mama or Dada... what do we do then?"

Cameron gave a deep breath, "I don't know..."

Just then, Dina walked back in with a bag of groceries and there was a concerned look on her face. Jonathan spoke up, "Dina? Are you okay?"

"Uh... I'm not sure." She set the groceries down and looked to Cameron, "Cameron, didn't you walk Kay out?"

Cameron furrowed his brows in confusion, "Uh, yeah. I walked her to car, we said good night," Johnny gave him a look, "...Multiple times. Then I came back inside. W-why do you ask?"

"Well, as I was coming back, I noticed that... Kay's car is still parked outside but... Kay's nowhere near it."

Cameron eyes widened as he ran past his friend and rushed back out the door. When he got outside, he saw that Dina was right, Kay's car was still here but she was nowhere to be seen. Kay had just been here, where was she? "Kay?" He called out, "Kay?"He went over to the side of her car where they had said their good nights when his eye caught the side mirror. He took a closer look at it; it had been bent down slightly, almost like something had fallen on it. His eye then fell to the paper under the windshield wiper. He walked over and picked up the note. When read it, his breath became shaky, "K-Kay... N-no... No!"

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