Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Cameron could not stop pacing back and forth. Two days ago, the only family he had was his Deception team... and Kay when he really thought about it. However now, not only did he gain and lose a sister within the same five minutes, there was now a completely innocent little girl who only family left seemed to be Cam. Finally, after a good ten minutes of sitting in shocked silence, Dina spoke up, "Cameron?"

Cameron's attention suddenly to the worried faces all looking at him. He took a deep breath, "If you're gonna ask me whether or not I'm okay... I'm not."

"I wasn't going to ask that. We already know that this is hard for you. It's hard for all of us."

Gunter, who hadn't said much since Farrah came into the archive, "But you need to remember that we are a team and if that means taking care of that little girl whose parents were so cruelly taken from her, so be it"

Cameron smiled at his father-figure, "Thanks Gunter but... now that I know, I have to step up for Farrah. I just don't know how to."

Gunter rolled his eyes, "That's why you have us, you dummy."

Cameron gave a small chuckle then realized something, "Where's Kay? And where's Farrah?"

"Kay went to go change Farrah's diaper. Poor little thing was fidgeting a lot. She's very calm" Dina answered.

"Where did they go?"

"I think they went into the powder room but Kay said she'd keep the door open" Replied Dina with a knowing expression on her face. Cameron ignored it went off to see if Kay and Farrah were there.

"Five bucks says he makes a move." Whispered Jordan

"Five bucks says she makes a move." Gunter whispered back

"Ten bucks says both of them chicken out of making a move" Dina said upping the ante.

Gunter and Jordan looked at each other then at Dina, "You're on." They both exclaimed.

When Cam found Kay, Dina was right, she had kept the door open and she was finishing up with the diaper changing and seems to be talking to the baby so he just leaned by the doorway and listened, "You've been such a little angel, yes you have." She cooed at Farrah causing Cam to smile, "I know a lot of things are going to change for you now but I want you to know that you are in the best hands. Your Uncle Cameron is a good man. I trust him with my life" Those words made Cam's heart flip a little in his chest, "He might not know exactly what to do at first but give him time and he always comes through and tries to make sure that everyone is happy... even if he's not" Kay suddenly noticed Cam in the doorway, picked up Farrah and placed her on her hip and gave Cam a smile, "He's selfless like that." Cameron didn't say anything. He just gave a grateful smile took two steps forward and hugged Kay and by association, Farrah. "Cam?" Kay asked softly.

"Thank you." He whispered softly as he quickly let go, realizing just where they were. Cameron cleared his throat, trying to ignore the light blush that seemed to be resting on Kay's cheeks, it wasn't helping him keep her at a distance. She deserved better than him. "So."

Kay gave a slight chuckle, "So."

"I was gonna go get some baby stuff for Farrah and I thought you could come with me so I could get your opinion on what to get."

"What did you have in mind?"

Cam shrugged, "The usual stuff, a crib, car seat, changing table, clothes, maybe a few toys"

"Well, we are still waiting to hear back from the lab about some stuff. I guess I could join you."

Dina smirked as she, Gunter and Jordan watched Cameron, Kay and Farrah walk out the door shouting a quick good bye, clearly both having chickened out on making a move, "Pay up boys!" The two men rolled their eyes and each handed Dina a ten dollar bill.

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