Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11

Cameron took Kay by the hand without anyone noticing and led her to their usual private corner of the archive, "So... that went well I think."He said taking hold of both hands.

Kay nodded, "Certainly went differently in my head. So what do you say we-hmm?" Kay was cut off by Cam wrapping his arms around her waist and giving her a long drawn out kiss. Kay cupped his face and kissed him back. When they pulled apart, she gave a small smile, "What was that for?"

"Just because." He said resting his forehead against hers

"No, you want to ask me something?"Kay squinted her eyes, unsure, "I can tell."

"What did Jonathan say to you?" He whispered.

Kay shook her head, "It's really not important."

"You said you'd tell me later... it's later." Cameron smirked.

Kay gave a slight chuckle, "Cam..."

"Please? You tell me and I won't even bring up again unless you do." He debated as he rest his hands on her hips and giving her puppy eyes.

Kay rolled her eyes at him and placed her hands on his upper arms, "Well... to be honest... the summery of it was that – thinking it was you – I didn't want to be just another FBI agent to you and that... I wanted you to promise that I would see you again." Cameron pursed his mouth but didn't say anything, "He told me, 'No more promises' and then walked away from me and I'm not going to lie now. It kind of... broke my heart."

Cameron didn't say anything at first but before Kay could react, Cameron moved his hands from her hips to gently cup her face and kissed her again. When he pulled away, he looked deep into her eyes, brown and blue gazes mixing, "Kay... I... I would never want to hurt you... I'm sorry."

Kay shook her head slightly, "You have nothing to be sorry for." She gave a small smile, "It's all behind us now." She took his hands, "We should probably head back to the gang, they might get suspicious."

"Hold on." Cameron stole another quick kiss from her, "For the record, I was worried I was just some annoying magician to you."

Kay smirked, "Well, you might have been at first."

Cameron gave a look of faux pain, "That's cold Kay." When they returned to where their friends were, they saw that Gunter was holding Farrah at arm's length as she giggled, "Uh, Gunter?"

"Oh, thank God, your brother stuck me with the little one." The older man said as Farrah flapped her little arms.

Kay raised an eyebrow, "You know she doesn't bite, right?"

"Actually she just bit Johnny, that's why he gave her to me. Either way it doesn't matter, she can sense my fear!"

Cam rolled his eyes as he took Farrah from Gunter, "So you're a biter now? Can't really blame you." He turns to Kay, "She's probably teething."

"That's why I left to go get her a teething biscuit." Johnny said, coming back into the room with a shortbread-looking cookie in hand. Jonathan held out the biscuit to her. She eyed the cookie for a moment before gripping the biscuit in her little hand and biting down on it. She seemed to relax in Cam's arms as she rested her curly-haired head on his shoulder as she continued to bite down on teething snack.

Kay checked her phone, "Okay, so while Mike goes to get Shawn and Fiona's stuff, Cam and I will head to their apartment."

Cameron lifted Farrah off his shoulder, "Okay Fairy, you're gonna hang out with Uncles Johnny, Jordan, Aunt Dina and Grandpa Gunter for a little while." Cam said as he handed Farrah over to Jonathan.

"Hey, how come I'm suddenly a grandfather?" Gunter asked, raising an eyebrow.

Jonathan shrugged, "Maybe because it's an alliteration... or because you're grumpy like a grandpa."

Gunter rolled his eyes, "Well... the kid's not so bad... maybe I'll make an exception." He said smiling at the child.

"See, she's not so bad Gunter." Cameron said, putting on his jacket.

"From a distance!" Gunter said which for some reason made Farrah giggle, "See, she knows what's she's doing."

Kay chuckled, "She's only almost eleven months old."

"And already a trickster. Just like her two uncles." Cam and Johnny both rolled their eyes at that comment.

Cameron and Kay said their goodbyes at they went to the car. Cam opened the driver's door for Kay, making her raise an eyebrow, "I'm being a gentleman Kay. Learn to deal with it" He joked.

Kay rolled her eyes, "You know you don't have to treat me any differently now that we're..." Kay didn't know how to finish that sentence.

Cam smirked, "Together?" Kay chuckled as Cam spoke again, "Well, in this case, we can't exactly say dating as I haven't taken you out on a date yet."

Kay felt a slight heat rise to her cheeks, "Yeah, together..." Before she got in the car, she placed a hand on his arm and gently kissed his cheek, although, she let her lips linger for a moment on his skin before pulling back. She smirked as she saw his face turn slightly red, "Come on, we've got work to do."

Cameron quickly got into his passenger seat next to Kay. Before she placed the keys in the ignition, he took her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. They smiled at each other. That's the moment that Cameron realized that he didn't just have strong feelings for Kay, he was in love with her. As they drove off, Johnny happened to be watching from the window above where Kay's car had been parked with Farrah in his arms who was still happily munching on the teething biscuit. Jonathan looked at his little niece and joked, "You know Kiddo, if your Uncle Cam and Aunt Kay are trying to hide what everyone else can clearly see; they're not doing a very good job, are they?" Farrah let out a little laugh before Jonathan went back to see what the others were up to.

Okay, so this was kinda a filler chapter but I wanted to write a little bit of lightness before we get back into the heavy stuff again... don't ask me where the story is going, I don't know yet! I just know who the killer is... and I'm not telling!

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