Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21

Everything happened in a blur. One minute, it seemed like everything was going to be fine and that this nightmare would finally be over but now it seemed like it was just beginning again. After Jonathan had to literally drag Cameron away from Kay so the medics could look after her and take her to the hospital. Despite his pleas to be with her in the ambulance, Mike thought it best to get him cleaned up and change his bloodied clothing so the medics wouldn't have any distractions.

Cameron always said he liked to make his own destiny but now... fate seemed to be screwing with him and he had no control over it. They all sat in the waiting room, waiting for news but the most unnerving thing was that Cameron was being completely quiet. That is until he felt Farrah tug on his sleeve. He gave his baby niece a small smile which made her giggle then she buried her face in Johnny's shoulder, "She wasn't too much trouble, was she Dina?"

Dina shook her head, "Far from it. She was a downright angel."

"I found this in Shawn and Fiona's things." Jonathan pulled out a book of fairytales from Farrah's diaper bag, "I thought maybe we could use it. I hear stories are good for kids."

Just then Farrah lifted her head and looked over to Cameron. She tried crawling out of Jonathan's grasp but Cameron picked her up before she could slip out of his brother's hold, "Where do you think you're going young lady?" She giggled as Cameron sat her down on his lap and took the storybook from Johnny. He needed the distraction. He opened up the storybook and began to read to her. Everyone looked at each as Cameron desperately tried to distract himself from fearing the worst... although reading the story of Sleeping Beauty might not have been the best idea. Cameron sighed, "I just wish I knew if Kay was going to be okay."

"She will be." Gunter spoke up, "She's tough. She's not about to let some crazy woman's bullet stop her."

Cameron gave a small smile, "At the very least, we got them. Farrah may have to grow up without her parents but... at she'll have answers." He said kissing his niece's curly-haired head.

"Cam?" Jonathan spoke up, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Jonathan sighed, "I... sort of knew about Fiona." He confessed.

Cam's eyes widened as did everyone else's, "W-what?"

"Jonathan, what are you talking about?" Dina asked.

"Cam, do you remember when Dad started calling both of us by your name?"

Cameron thought for a moment, "Y-yeah. We were... five I think."

"Well, the night he started doing that... was the night when Fiona and her mother came over."

Cameron blinked, "I-I don't remember that..."

"Because you stayed in our room when Dad told us to."

"You met Fiona?" Jordan asked.

"Just for a moment, when Dad and Fiona's mother went into his office, Fiona had been left in the hall so I went over to her." Jonathan gave a sad smile, "She was so cute, and Farrah looks just like her. She had our eyes Cam, that's how I knew."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Cameron asked.

Jonathan sighed, "I asked Dad about it a few days later and... he made it very clear that I should just forget about what happened-"

"And you did."

Jonathan held his head down in shame, "I didn't want to but..."

Cameron placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "No, I get it. When Dad got angry, it wasn't pretty." The entire group sat in shock. They couldn't believe that Johnny would allow himself to forget something like that but seeing how Cameron was reacting, they seemed to understand why he would. Cameron said, "I met her too."

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