Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23

Mike knocked on the open hospital door, "Heard that someone woke up." He joked.

Kay smiled at her friend, "Hey Mike."

"Hey partner. Hey guys, you can come in." He called from over his shoulder.

Everyone walked in and smiles graced their faces as they walked in with Dina pushing a sleeping Farrah, wearing pink t-shirt, denim overalls and a pastel pink headband, in a stroller. Kay's smile widened as her friends made their way over to her bedside, "Hey guys. It's good to see you."

"You too." Gunter said, "You gave us quite the scare Daniels."

"So much so that you got Gunter here showing real emotion." Jordan joked putting his hand on the older man's shoulder.

"Boy, if you'd like to go home with that hand, move it." Gunter threatened making Jordan remove his hand.

"As you can see, not much has changed." Dina said with a laugh.

"Well, it has only been a few days" Kay joked, "I wouldn't expect Jordan and Gunter to become besties."

Just then Farrah started to stir as her bright brown eyes blinked open. Jonathan smiled, "Well, look who's up too." He said, walking over to the little girl.

"How did you get her to finally go to sleep in the first place?" Kay asked.

Jonathan shrugged, "There may have been promises about a unicorn." Farrah held out her arms to be picked up, "A promise I don't intend to keep." He said picking up his niece. He took the child over to Kay, "Hey Farrah, look who's up."

"Hi Farrah remember me?" Kay asked with a soft smile.

Suddenly, Kay's face registered in the little baby's mind and Farrah let out a smile before shyly burying her face in Jonathan's shoulder, "I think she does." He placed Farrah down on the bed as Cameron kept a hand behind her back to keep her from falling.

Farrah moved to crawl over to Kay. As she reached Kay's good arm, Cameron helped Kay adjust Farrah so she could hold the baby with one arm, "Hey baby girl..." Kay smiled.

Farrah gave a toothless smile (well, she had maybe four teeth) and placed a tiny hand on Kay's face before letting out a, "Heh."

"Yeah, I'm right here Farrah." Kay smiled, hoping the cuts and bruises on her face wouldn't scare the little girl but it didn't. Farrah leaned her head on Kay's shoulder and relaxed in her arms. Kay smiled and kissed the side of Farrah's head as she held the little baby tight, "Yeah, I missed you too." Cameron took the opportunity to take a photo of the two of them, Kay caught him this time, "Oh come on Cam, I'm not even-"

"It's just for us." He smiled, "Besides, you look beautiful." Kay rolled her eyes as Cameron sat down, "There's something else I need to tell you guys. Of course, Johnny already knows."

"What is it Cam?" Jordan asked.

"Well, Johnny and I were talking and while we both agreed to look after Farrah equally. Legally... I'm going to be Farrah's guardian."

Mike raised his eyebrows, "You mean... you're filing for a kinship adoption?"

Cameron nodded, "I know that it's kind of crazy-"

"It's not crazy Cam." Kay said with a smile making him feel at ease.

"We're due in court next month and the lawyer said that the paperwork can be finalized within a few months after that."

"So that's what you were doing when you weren't here." Dina said with realization.

Cameron sighed, "I know I can't ever take the place of her parents but... she needs me. I know she hasn't been in our lives long but I love this little girl. I want to be able to give her a..." He paused for a moment, "Somewhat normal childhood."

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