Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

When Dina and Jordan came back to the archive, they found Cameron and Jonathan looking through some of Shawn and Fiona's stuff with Mike and Gunter as Kay sat in a chair by the table with Farrah in her arms. It had been almost an hour and the child refused to let go of Kay, gripping onto the woman's sleeve but she had become very quiet. Awake, but quiet. "Hello everyone." Dina said, announcing her and Jordan's return.

"Hey Dina." Kay replied, "Hey Jordan."

"Farrah's hanging on to you pretty tight, did you almost drop her something?" Jordan joked.

"Oh ha. Ha. No, it seems she's becoming aware of the absence of her parents and she's just a little scared."

Dina and Jordan both gave sympathetic looks. Jordan then turned to the men, "So did you guys find anything?"

"That could lead to their killer? No." Jonathan said. He then picked up a light pink knitted blanket with 'Farrah' stitched in a bright blue on the edge and smiled, "She was good."

Cam furrowed his brows, "What?"

"This blanket is clearly handmade." Jonathan gulped, "She really loved her daughter. Sure didn't get her parental instincts from Dad."

"Except for the eyes, I don't think she got anything from Dad." Cameron joked.

Kay stood up from her seat and walked over to them, "Could I see that?" She placed Farrah down on the table, "Don't worry baby girl, I'm not going anywhere." Farrah looked up to Kay with her big eyes as Jonathan handed Kay the blanket, "Farrah, does this look familiar?"

She knew the child wouldn't answer but she waited as Farrah eyed the blanket, reached her little hand out and gripped the soft wool. A few moments later, the baby smiled letting out a happy, "Gah." She recognized the blanket. She then used her other little hand to grab the blanket and pulled it towards herself. Everyone gave small smiles to each other.

Cameron couldn't help but smile, "She knows it's her blanket."

Kay was about to let Cameron or someone else take over when Farrah raised her arms back up at her. Kay sighed, "You're lucky you're the cute one Farrah." She said as she picked up the child, only now Farrah wasn't clinging on to her anymore. The scene was kind of picturesque, with Kay smiling down at little Farrah as she clung on to the blanket, to the untrained eyes, they looked like mother and daughter. Cameron smiled at the scene, Kay said she wasn't good with kids but these past few days would have made him tell her she was wrong. As Farrah chewed on her blanket and Kay tried to stop her from doing so, Cameron took out his phone and took of a picture of the precious moment, nobody noticed.

As Kay adjusted Farrah in her arms, she noticed something in the pile of items, "Hey guys." She picked up a small box with a number lock, "Think you can decode this?"

Cameron took the box from her and got it open on the first try, "You know, as sweet as it is, parents should stop making passwords based on their children's birthdays." He opened the box and inside was a gold ruby ring, "I feel like I've seen this before."

Kay took a closer look at the ring, "Isn't that the same ring that Bennett Blanc was wearing?"

"That's exactly it!"

"Seems like it's a family heirloom kind of thing then." Jonathan said, "Why would Shawn still have it?"

"Well, family clearly meant something to Shawn. Maybe he couldn't fully let them go. I mean it makes sense, before Fiona, they were his whole world" Cameron responded. He picked up the ring, "One thing that doesn't make sense."

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