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"So you're gay?" Michael queried as we ambled towards the twenty-four-hour diner that Fabian googled.

"Pretty much." I sighed, nodding my head slightly. "I'm kinda dating Sage."

"Kinda?" Michael smirked. "How are you kinda dating him?"

I sighed again, heavier this time. "We haven't talked about it."

"But you want to." The smirk had faded into a grin, which only grew as we walked.

"You seem awfully okay with this."

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Michael spat in disbelief. "Werewolves have no time for homophobia. The whole mate principle cancels the asshole factor out."


"Seriously." Michael clarified. "You know, for someone who's spent eight years with wolves, you really don't know that much."

"I don't know anything because I've never bothered to ask," I stated. "I didn't see the point in questioning something I already accepted."

Michael didn't say anything for a moment, letting my words marinate in his head. "I think I've figured out why you've put off the conversation with Sage."

"I never said anything about putting it off." I shot at him.

"You didn't have to."

It was my turn to be silent. I didn't want to say anything, I wanted to let him speak first.

"You haven't said anything to him because you're not his mate."

I gave him a sad smile, shaking my head as I replied sarcastically. "How did you know?"

"I already knew you weren't his mate, Cas, any blind human could see that." Michael attempted to make a joke. I wasn't laughing. "You're afraid that if you let yourself get too attached romantically, it'll completely destroy you if and when he finds his mate and leaves you."

I stopped short, reaching out to lay my hand on the postbox next to me, steadying myself. I hadn't expected the punch-in-the-gut feeling his words had caused. And even though my stomach was swirling, it was a slight relief to hear those words spoken out loud. But that relief disappeared when I realized that those words were out in the open now, for anyone to hear and use against me. I didn't like the feeling of complete vulnerability those words instilled in me.

"I know what you're thinking, Cas." Michael soothed. "And it's alright for you to feel that way."

"And how the fuck would you know!" My eyes stung as tears pooled in them.

I stormed off towards the door of the diner, flinging the door open. We'd called ahead and ordered, we just had to pick it up and pay. I marched to the counter, gave my name and forked over my card. The bell rang behind me but I ignored it. Michael appeared beside me, grabbing the paper bag with our food inside. He thanked the cashier as he handed me back my card and linked his arm with mine, dragging me back outside.

"I know exactly how you're feeling, baby brother," Michael spoke softly as we made our way back to the hotel. "I've experienced this before with a human of my own. I can guarantee that what you're feeling goes both ways and that Sage is just as scared of losing you as you are of him."

"You loved a human you weren't supposed to be with?" I questioned.

Michael smiled at me, unlinking our arms and ruffling my hair with his hand. "It's not about who you're supposed to be with. It's about who you choose to be with, who you'd kill for. Sage may meet his mate one day but that doesn't mean he has to end it with you. It's not like those cheesy cliche werewolf books. Nobody dies if you decide you don't want to be together. As rare as it is, mates can be strictly platonic."

"It depends on chemistry?" I asked quietly.

"You can look at it like that." Michael laughed. "Different types of chemistry have different outcomes."

I looked up at Michael and smiled. "I'm sorry for swearing at you, I don't usually swear."

"It's a new development, I get it." He shrugged.

"I think I'm gonna like having you around."

"I think I'm gonna like having you as my little brother."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Short chapter I know but I was running low on inspiration while writing this. Next chapter should be longer though!

Anyways, thank you so much for 22 reads and 4 votes! It really means a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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