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Michael kept frowning at his phone as I drove along the familiar empty highway. He'd been doing it since the morning Fabian went MIA. I hadn't brought it up. It wasn't any of my business, but I was curious, nonetheless. If Michael wanted to talk about it, he would. I wasn't going to push him.

"Where are we going exactly?" He questioned, pulling me out of my head. "You haven't said."

"We're going to this old gas station," I replied. "A vampire works there and I'm pretty sure she's one of Dorian's nestmates or at least knows where to find him."

"Who's Dorian?"

"He's got Gabriel. And from what Tiberius has told me, he won't be willing to give Gabriel up." I answered.

Michael nodded his head, turning away to face the trees that whipped past as I drove. His mood shifted, into what I couldn't tell. I just knew that something was wrong.

"Are you alright, Michael?" I questioned softly.

"When you had your dream of me," He started. "What did you see?"

"I saw the house in New York, everything was the same except for those claw marks on your front door," I answered, keeping my gaze on the road in front of me.

"And what about me? What was I like?"

I felt his eyes burning a hole into the side of my face. "Exactly the same as you are right now. Why do you want to know?"

My gaze flicked over to Michael when he didn't answer. "Does it have something to do with your dream about Gabriel?"

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled.

"You wanna tell me about it?"

Michael hadn't yet told me about his dream. He refused to tell anyone what happened, only that it was about Gabriel. Michael wanted to find him as quickly as possible, he didn't seem to hear me when I said that I already knew where to start looking.

"I didn't see him as a grown man." He said, staring at his feet. "I saw him as a scared five-year-old boy."

I couldn't think of what to say as I pulled up in front of the gas station. Nothing had changed, including the blonde head of hair behind the counter. I turned off the car and let the silence envelop us.

"I'm sorry you had to see him like that," I said after a moment. "Dorian wouldn't hurt him, not knowing how valuable he is. The only thing we can do is hope that Dorian doesn't make it too difficult to bring him home."

Michael glanced up at me, nodding his head in agreement. I smiled gently, opening my car door and marching towards the automatic doors. I heard Michael's footfalls as he caught up, sticking close. I grinned at Selena as I entered the gas station. Her brown eyes widened, and her breath hitched.

"Hey, how's your stomach?' I asked innocently as I walked towards her. "Also, I love what you've done with the place. It looks so much better when there isn't blood on the floor."

"What do you want?" She snapped, taking a step back when I leant over the counter, resting on my arms. "I didn't tell Dorian I saw you; I haven't given you a reason to come back."

"Holding a gun to my head isn't reason enough?" I growled. "You also pointed it at my boyfriend and best friend. But that's not why I'm here."

"If you want an apology, you aren't going to get it." She shot back. "So, if you and your mutt aren't here to tear off my head, either tell me what you really want or get out."

Michael growled at Selena who flinched subtly. "Dorian has something of mine, and I want it back." I spat.

"You've never even met Dorian! What does he have that belongs to..." Selena trailed off, the realisation shining in her eyes. "Your brother. You found the first one. Now you need Gabriel."

"I knew you weren't stupid," I smirked. "Where is Dorian keeping my brother."

"I can't tell you that." She blurted.

"And why not?" Michael snarled, the golden glow of his eyes reflecting in the glass doors of the shelves behind Selena.

"You don't understand, Dorian won't let him go, not for you or anyone or anything else." She rushed out. "If he gets his hands on the both of you..." She trailed off again.

Frustration flooded my veins and I reached forward, gripping the front of her shirt in my hand and dragging her towards me. "Does it look like I fucking care?" I sneered. "I'm finding my brother and taking him home and I don't care if I have to kill half your nest to do so."

Selena's eyes glowed red before settling back into their dark brown. "Fine, it's your fucking funeral." She snapped, tearing my hand from her shirt. She turned away, walking through a door beside the shelves.

I sighed, turning to face Michael. I couldn't name the emotion on his face; I couldn't tell what it meant. I raised a brow, silently asking what he was looking at.

"You sounded like an Alpha." He smiled. "You're urges are getting stronger."

"I didn't realise," I mumbled under my breath.

"The moment you stepped foot in here, your whole demeanour changed." Michael elaborated. "You were a lot more confident and, for once, actually intimidating. Apart from when you were yelling at me for the Fabian thing. My point is, you're not even an Alpha yet, let alone a werewolf, and you managed to threaten Selena's nest and not get your throat ripped out. I'm impressed."

"Well, I'm glad someone's enjoying my new urges." I grimaced. "It's exhausting trying to keep up with my own emotions. No offence to women or anything, but it's like I'm on my damn period."

Michael laughed as Selena appeared beside me, holding a piece of paper in her hand. "This is the address, tell them I sent you to see Dorian. And let your pack, and Tiberius know where you've gone. If Dorian doesn't let you go, someone's going to have to get you out."

"Thank you." I smiled, taking the paper from her outstretched hand. "And sorry about grabbing your shirt and all that, I'm still learning."

"It's no big deal." Selena rolled her eyes. "Do you really think that you're the first person to come in here and rough me up? Take a look at your surroundings, this place is full of douchebags."

"At least I apologised," I replied quietly.

Selena laughed gently. "Yeah, that's a first for me."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks, I have the flu and I get really stupid when I'm sick.

Thanks so much for 155 reads and 31 votes! It means so fucking much it hurts!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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