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"You're a damn saint." Tiberius smiled sweetly as I handed him a hot mug of coffee.

"It's not a problem." I beamed back. "But if you hadn't stayed up half the night with Fabian, you wouldn't be tired and hungover."

"True." He agreed. "It was worth it though; we both needed a distraction."

"From what?" Sage laughed. "Your questionable taste in music?"

"You have the exact same taste in music!" I exclaimed, gently punching him in the shoulder.

"Innocent until proven guilty," Sage replied simply, stealing a sip from my coffee mug, despite his own sitting in front of him.

"You're a bitch." I pouted, turning back to Tiberius. "So, what were you trying to distract yourselves from?"

"Just some old wounds that refuse to heal." Tiberius shrugged. "I can't really give you the details, the topics were discussed during the sacred three am conversation."

"In that case, forget I ever asked." I chuckled, swatting Sage's hand away from my coffee. "Speaking of my one and only, where is Fabian? He wasn't curled up on the couch."

"I'm not exactly sure. I didn't hear him come inside before I fell asleep."

"Maybe he didn't come back inside?" Michael asked as he approached the table, frowning at his phone.

"There's no way he spent the night outside." I reasoned. "Fabian hates the cold."

Michael looked up; eyes concerned. "Where the hell is he then?"

"Sprinting towards the patio," Tiberius replied coolly, clicking his fingers, compelling the sliding doors to fly open.

I spun around as Fabian flew through the door, colliding with the chair beside me. His chest stuttered as he breathed, sweat dripping from his forehead and coating his body. His legs trembled as he gripped the back of the chair too hard, his knuckles turning white. Fabian's mismatched eyes were wide, his gaze flitting around the room in a panic.

"Fabian?" I asked softly. "Are you alright?"

Fabian's eyes only rested on me for a few seconds before he scrambled away from me. His back hit the wall next to the sliding doors and he slid down it, his head in his hands. He hadn't covered his face entirely, his lips moving rapidly as he muttered words under his breath, too quiet for even wolves to hear. Fabian pulled his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. I slowly raised myself out of my seat. Tiberius slowly stood as well, and I could feel Sage's movement behind me. I approached Fabian gradually, my steps small and slow. He didn't even look at me as I reached him. I cautiously knelt in front of him, staring at him.

"Are you alright, Fabes?" I asked again, even softer this time. I had only seen Fabian like this once before and that was the night he told me everything about him, his family and his pack. The night he decided he could trust me. It was scary then and it was even more frightening now. Fabian didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me.

"Fabes?" I soothed. "What happened?"

I warily reached out my hands, inching them towards him to wrap my hands gently around his wrists. His eyes snapped up to meet mine as our skin touched and a deep growl erupted from his chest into his throat. I held my breath as he surged forward, pushing me to the floor, his eyes glowing, claws extended. He straddled my stomach and pinned me down, his fangs bared and inches from my face. He was more than just scared. He was terrified. I could see the fear swirling in his mismatched eyes. He wasn't going to hurt me. He was conveying his fear in the only way he knew how; aggressively. Fabian's growl quickly transformed into a snarl as he was ripped from above me. Tiberius appeared above me, offering his hand. I took it and Tiberius pulled me to my feet. Sage and Michael had Fabian pinned to the wall by his arms and chest, holding him there as he snarled and fought against them.

"Let him go!" I cried out. "He- "

"And let him attack you again? I don't fucking think so!" Michael growled as he cut me off.

"It's not his fault!" I argued. "He didn't mean it! He wasn't going to hurt me!"

Sage and Michael both opened their mouths to protest but were quickly cut off. Sage had loosened his grip on Fabian and Fabian had taken advantage, swinging his fist into the side of Michael's head. Michael's face swung to the right, but his body didn't stumble. I watched as anger surged through my brother and he brought his own arm back as he turned to glare at Fabian.

"Michael, don't!" Tiberius warned but it was too late. Michael's claws were extended as his arm flew towards Fabian's chest, slicing through his skin.

Fabian cried out in pain as blood flowed heavily from the four large, deep wounds. Sage released Fabian, letting him slide down the wall onto the floor, and shoved Michael, yelling at him. I heard footsteps by the door to the kitchen, but I ignored them as I rushed towards Fabian. I hadn't gotten the chance to even touch him before he clambered up from the cold floor. He swayed slightly before letting out a small, quiet whimper, his wound far from healed. Sage and Michael stopped arguing to stare at Fabian as he swayed on his feet. He took two steps towards me before he stopped, his brows furrowed. He shook his head and turned away from me, rushing back through the sliding doors. I watched as his bones broke and shifted, his black and white fur bursting through his skin. A light mist of blood exploded into the air as he shifted into a wolf, leaving light spatters on the grass below him. Fabian shook himself, blood flying from his chest and onto the lawn. He didn't look back as he ran, quickly disappearing into the trees.

I exhaled a shaky breath as I twisted my head to look at my brother and boyfriend. "Living room. Now." I spat through gritted teeth.


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

I kinda proud of myself because I smashed this out in just over an hour yesterday! I'm also excited to hear how much my best friend hates me when she reads this, lol!

Anyways, thanks so much for 86 reads and 20 votes! It means a shit ton!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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