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I groaned as beams of early morning sunlight danced across my face. I reluctantly forced myself to open my eyes and stare tiredly at the off-white ceiling. Sleep hadn't come easy the last three days we'd been home, and I was only just starting to feel the effects. My eyes felt heavy and tired, my body sore and stiff. But I knew sleep was impossible. I looked towards the alarm clock on my bedside table and sighed. It was almost six. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving the warmth of my bed and sighed again, trying and failing to convince myself to move.

"If you sigh one more time, I might just have to kill you," Sage mumbled from beside me, his black hair the only part of him visible from under the covers.

"You won't," I stated.

"What makes you think I won't?"

I glanced at Sage and smirked even though he couldn't see me. "You're too attached."

Sage rolled over onto his side to face me, propping himself up on his elbow, quirking an eyebrow. "Attached to what exactly? Your shitty sense of humour?"

I huffed out a laugh as I turned back to stare at the ceiling. "Okay, Sasquatch. Unless you wanna get hurt, I suggest you shut up."

Sage chuckled as he shuffled closer towards me. "Aw, come on, Cas, you know I love your shitty sense of humour."

I pulled my arm out from under the covers and flicked Sage's nose. "Not as much as you love being an asshole."

"Yeah, but I'm your asshole." He smirked.

It was my turn to quirk a brow. "Who told you that? Puff the Magic Dragon?"

Sage rolled his eyes and flopped back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "Right." He sighed. "I ruined my chance to talk about us."

"How? When?"

"When I decided to save Dayna on my own." He answered. "You were planning on talking to me the night I took off."

"And you think I was going to just never bring it up?" I laughed incredulously. "Why would I kiss you in front of the pack if I wasn't serious about you, Sage?"

"I...don't...really know." He murmured. He twisted his face towards me. "I'm being stupid again, aren't I?"

I laughed softly, rolling onto my side, tucking my arms beneath the side of my face. "Just a bit." I paused, but only for a moment. "Are you serious about me?"

I had to know. There were so many things about our relationship that I already knew. Like the fact that we both liked each other in a way that we never did as kids, and we would fight for each other regardless of our status. The fact that we both knew I wasn't his mate and would never admit it to each other. I wanted everything that Sage had to offer, even the things that most people wouldn't. I just wish I had everything he wanted.

Sage's face scrunched up in confusion then softened. "Are you dense? If I were any more serious about you, I'd be Bert from Sesame Street."

I couldn't contain the laughter that forced its way out of my mouth. "You're an idiot."

I breathed in deeply as my laughter subsided. Sage was still chuckling slightly as I stared at him. "You're my idiot," I whispered.

Sage's laughter disappeared as his face turned serious. He stared right back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'll race you to the bathroom."

"As much as I'd love to do that, I'd rather not wake up all the sleeping wolves in this house."

Sage opened his mouth to retort but I had already rolled back over and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, pushing myself up and wandering towards the bedroom door. I glanced back at Sage over my shoulder, a prominent pout resting on his face. I just giggled and opened the door, continuing through it.


"Come the fuck on!" I growled as Sage's character knocked me off the track. "When did you get so good at Rainbow Road?"

Sage struggled to hold back his laughter as he grinned. "No idea. Maybe you're just losing your touch."

"I don't fucking think so." I snapped. "You suck at Rainbow Road! You've been sneaking in extra practice time! I know you have!"

Laughter erupted from Sage's throat and filled the room. I couldn't stop my eyes from narrowing as he laughed at me. "It's not funny."

"It's fucking hilarious, is what it is." Sage howled as he threw his head back.

"I'll show you what's fucking funny." I spat as I launched myself at him, pinning him to the beanbag beneath him as I poked his ribs repeatedly.

"What...the fuck...are you doing!" Sage screamed between laughs, frantically trying to grab my wrists and pull them away from him.

"I'm showing you what's funny." I leered. "And unfortunately for you, the fact that you're ticklish is the funniest thing on the planet right now."

Tears pooled in Sage's eyes as he continued to laugh and struggle to get a grip on my hands. "Okay! Okay! It's not funny! It's not!" He pleaded.

My hands ceased their movement as I grinned victoriously from above Sage. "Told you it wasn't funny."

Sage huffed out another laughed as he caught his breath. "Maybe not anymore. But do you want to know what else is funny?"


"The fact that you're sitting on me and haven't moved." He smirked.

He wasn't wrong. I was sitting on him, although straddling was more accurate. "I'm well aware of what position I'm in."

"Are you going to move?"

"Probably not."


"Maybe because I've been wanting to kiss you all day."

"Then why haven't you?"

"Because the kind of kissing I want to do is the kind that shouldn't be done in front of loved ones."

Sage's breath hitched as he inhaled sharply. I grinned as I slowly leant down and captured his lips with my own, slowly gyrating my hips down against him. He moaned, slipping his tongue into my mouth and grabbing onto my hips with his hands. I smiled against his lips and pulled away, climbing off of him and dropping myself back down into my own beanbag.

"Wh-...b-...I-...huh?" Sage sputtered, confusion painted all over his face.

"Pick up your damn controller." I grinned. "I wanna try and kick your ass at Rainbow Road again."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Same as last week I'm afraid! I don't have anything too important to say!

Anyways, thanks so fucking much for 53 reads and 9 votes! It means a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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