Twenty One

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Fabian's POV

"Watch where your fucking going!" I yelped as Freya accidentally pushed me into the doorframe of a shitty motel room.

"Quit whining like a little bitch, you're a werewolf for fuck's sake!" She snarled, dropping me down onto the end of the bed closest to the door. "Who'd you piss off anyway?"

"None of your business," I said through gritted teeth, my wounds searing with pain.

"It may as well be, you're not healing!"

"Oh really?" I spat out. "I didn't know that, thanks for letting me know that I have four slash marks running across my chest that refuse to heal!"

"How about being just a little bit grateful!" She barked back. "If I had found you a few days from now, you wouldn't be alive!"

"You're the reason I got slashed up in the first place, you bastard!"

"You wouldn't have been hurt if you hadn't run!"

"And what reason did I have to stay?" I screamed. "I haven't seen you in years! What did you expect me to do, run back to the coward who ran from me first?"

Freya was silent, her eyes never leaving mine. "I am not a coward."

"Whatever floats your sinking boat." I scoffed. "You left me. Not the other way 'round. You're the one who never called or sent a god damn letter. Not me."

"If you'd known who I was leaving with you never would have agreed with it." She argued.

"I wouldn't have cared!" I growled. "I've never cared about who you left with! I've only ever cared about why you left me!"

My sister stared at me, her face revealing nothing about the emotions stirring just beneath the surface. She turned away from me, bending down to unzip a duffle bag. She rifled through it for a moment before pulling out a small brown bottle, gauze and a cloth. She slowly turned back to face me; her eyes trained on the items in her hands as she knelt in front of me. Freya twisted the cap off the bottle and slowly poured a strong-smelling liquid out onto the cloth. Her eyes didn't meet my face as she reached up and began to gently clean the wounds on my chest. She was quiet for a few minutes longer before she spoke again.

"I kept tabs you know." She said quietly. "I made sure that you were safe, didn't need me. I didn't leave because I didn't care. I left because I needed to."

"You also left me with nothing." I sneered. "You abandoned me, left me all on my own. You broke me, Frey."

"I know and I hate myself for it." She replied, looking up at me for a moment. "I told you I kept tabs. I know about Sybella and what she did to you. I don't blame you for hating me."

"I don't."


"I said, I don't hate you."


"Because you're my sister, stupid." I smiled sadly. "I could never hate you; I've told you this before."

Freya's mismatched eyes grew watery as she stared up at me, a small smile appearing on her face.

"I'll just never forgive you for leaving me behind."

Her smile faded as my words sank in. "And I don't blame you. I'll never forgive me either."

Silence fell over the room as Freya finished up cleaning my wounds, switching the cloth out for the gauze. She pulled herself up from the floor and stood in front of me. She leant forward and began slowly wrapping the gauze firmly around my chest, securing it with a clip. I sighed as she finished, carefully lowing myself down onto the mattress, my eyes sliding shut as the pain seeped from my body.

"I don't want to fight with you anymore." Freya's soft voice broke the silence. "I've spent the last five years fighting everyone around me, I don't have it in me to fight you too."

I didn't speak for a moment, thinking about her words. "Are you going to leave again?"

"Not until I see you home safe."

"And after that?"

Freya sighed heavily. "I can't stay, Fabian. There's somebody I need to find."

"And who's that? Maybe I know them?"

"His name's Nathaniel." She answered. "He's mine."

My eyes shot open and my body tensed. "You found your mate?"

"Yes." She spoke softly. "He's part of the reason I went to Switzerland."

"You left me for a boy?" I spat, angrily pushing myself up onto my elbows. "Are you mentally deficient?"

"It's not like that, Fabian." She countered. "We weren't mates when we met, we were only fourteen. But we were friends and he needed me."

"I needed you, you selfish bitch!"

"I know but Nathan needed me more!" Freya marched back towards me, towering over me like she would when we were little. "He's not the only reason I left! Take a look at me, a good fucking look! What's new?"

I did as she said and really looked at my sister. As I searched her face, I noticed that it was rounder, more feminine. And as much as it pained me to notice, she had curves, actual curves, not to mention a pair of you know what on her no, no touch zone. She had changed in a way that I should have noticed. She wasn't the same girl who had left. She was Freya, the way she was meant to be.

"Do you understand why I went?" She asked gently. "I couldn't- "

"It was the only chance you had to become you." I looked up at her with a watery smile. "If you had stayed you never would have even made it this far, not with the way things were going. I just wish you had of taken me with you."

"And be the reason why you never met Cassiel?" She laughed softly. "Not even if you paid me."

My brows furrowed as I sat up. "How do you know about Cas?"

"I was keeping tabs remember." She grinned. "It's also why I came back. Nathan and Cassiel are brothers, and I'm trying to find Nathan in order to bring him home to his brothers."

"You've been with Nathan this whole time!" I groaned. "Fucking hell, Freya! You didn't think to come sooner?"

"It's a little hard to show up when you're too busy running from the people you work for!"

"And who's that?"

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"Spit it out."

Freya heaved another sigh. "The Fordomelse."

"For fuck's sake!"


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

I know I said I was back on track but I've decided to just try and update every day until the book is finished since as of now there are only six chapters left and then I'll be starting on the next one! I'll let you know what to look out for and when in the last two chapters or so.

Anyways, thanks for reading and/or voting. It means a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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