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"Yes." I sighed. "I also told Sage and Tiberius, who told Tiberius' siblings. If shit turns sideways, we have all the backup we need to get us out. Now stop worrying."

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." He explained. "I don't know what to expect and I guess I'm worried that Gabe won't recognise us."

"You recognised me."

"Yeah because I had a dream about the five of us. That and I know your scent."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. Gabe will recognise our scents." I soothed. "And I'm nervous too. I don't know what's waiting for us either."

Michael frowned as he glanced at his phone yet again. It was starting to get on my nerves when he did that. I wasn't going to ask about it, but he still hadn't said anything. I know I was being impatient, but I couldn't help it. Not knowing what was up was killing me.

"Are you alright, Cas?"

"Fine, why?"

"Because you look angry."

"Not angry, just frustrated."


I sighed again. "I have no idea. It's none of my business."

"What are you talking about?" Michael furrowed his brows.

"It doesn't matter, just drop it."

"If it bothers you, it matters." He sighed. "Just tell me."

"You keep frowning at your phone."


"You've been doing it since the day Fabian took off," I explained. "You check it periodically and when nothing comes through, you frown or glare at it."

"You noticed that?" He mumbled.

"We've all noticed," I replied. "I'm not going to push you to tell me. If you don't want to tell me that's fine. I'm only frustrated because this new Alpha side of me really wants to fucking know. But like I said, I won't push it."

"It's intel."

"Come again?"

"Intel," Michael confirmed. "On our parents."

"Why do you want intel on our parents?" I questioned.

"I've been trying to track them down ever since our Dad's adoptive parents passed away." He answered. "I wasn't sure if Dad knew that they were gone, and if he didn't then he deserved to know."

"You also want to know if they're still alive." I realised. "Why didn't you say anything? You know I would have tried to help."

"I don't trust you yet." He deadpanned. "Not completely. We've only just met and, yeah you're my brother, but you're also not like me."

"And what's like you?"

"A wolf. You don't feel the same way about a pack that I do."

"Like hell I do." I seethed. "Have you forgotten that I've spent the last eight years of my life with a pack of wolves? I may not know everything about them, but I know the basics. How I feel about the pack and how they feel about me are not two completely different sets of feelings. It's not one fucking sided."

"Cas I- "

"Shut up." I cut him off. "You don't know how I feel, you couldn't possibly. I love and trust my pack with everything I have and vice versa. And you're right, you don't know me yet. But that doesn't mean I'm going to take off at a moment's notice for no god damn reason. I've had a similar argument with Tiberius before. He didn't know how invested I was in all of this, to the point that he didn't even tell me my real last name until a little over a week ago.

"But I'm fucking invested. When I found out that you guys are real and not something that my head made up to drive me crazy, I was ecstatic. I told about how I grew up and I'm not lying when I say that I'm willing to do just about anything to bring you all home. The moment I dreamt about you; I was gone. I took Fabian and left because finding you was more important. So, fuck you."

"Fuck me?"

"Fuck you." I spat. "You don't want to tell me shit, fine. I can deal with that. But saying you don't trust me because we're not the same species is fucked. I don't trust you either."

"What?" Michael breathed.

"You heard me; I don't trust you. Not anymore."

My brother didn't speak, just silently turned away and stared out of the window. I knew I'd regret this later, that I'd probably overreacted, but right now I just couldn't bring myself to care. I was angry and upset, and I just wanted to go home. I was tired. No amount of sleep was going to change that. I was beginning to realise that this wasn't the type of tired you could sleep off. It was deep and rooted. And it was beginning to feel as if it was never going to go away.

I dragged myself from my thoughts as a house came into view. We'd been driving through endless forests for a while now and this was the first structure we'd come across since we left the last town. It was large and modern, more glass than solid wall. It sadly reminded me of the Cullen's house from the Twilight movies. Quinn had made us all watch them years ago, the girl had poor taste in movies. I rolled to a stop behind a fancy black car, the brand one I didn't recognise. I shut off the car, making a quick exit, not wanting to spend any more time next to Michael. I was still seething.

I stormed up the driveway, towards the front door. I could hear Michael jog to catch up, falling in step beside me. I struggled to hold back an eye-roll as I walked up the steps, pounding on the front door. The movement was too fast to catch as a figure sped towards the door, throwing it open. A woman with black, shoulder-length hair and hazel eyes stood in the doorway. She looked us up and down before she settled her gaze on Michael, her eyes glowing red.

"What do you want, mutt." She growled, glaring at Michael.

"Ignore him, sweetheart, he's in a shitty mood." I grinned. "Talk to the human."

"Answer my damn question, smartass."

"I'm here to see Dorian," I explained. "Selena sent me."

"Why would that slut send you here?" She laughed. "You do know that we're vampires, right?"

"I'm well aware, but you lot have my big brother and I'd really like to take him home now."

She hesitated for a moment. 'Who did you say you were?"

"I didn't even mention my name." I sighed. "But I'm Cassiel Gassagen, this is my brother Michael. We're Gabriel's brothers."

"...Follow me."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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