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"He'll be with you both in a moment." The black-haired woman smiled. "He's currently in a meeting, take a seat while you wait."

I politely nod my head, moving into the room. The door closed, leaving us to look around the large study. A bookcase covered the left wall and a desk sat in the middle with a computer sitting on top. The walls behind and to the right of the desk were glass, the one behind me solid. A few odd-looking sculptures stood on pedestals around the room, seemingly at random. I ambled towards one of the two chairs in front of the desk, taking a seat in the one closest to the bookshelf. Michael sat in the seat next to me, still not looking or speaking to me. If he wanted to behave like a child, that was fine by me. I wasn't mad anymore, just slightly annoyed.

I stared out of the windows, watching the trees, as the door behind me opened again. I didn't turn to greet whoever entered. I couldn't. I wasn't necessarily scared of Dorian, but the thought of him made me uneasy. This man had promised to care for my brother, to return him when Tiberius asked, and he hadn't. He kept him. And for what? Because he's valuable? Or something else? A tall figure appeared in my peripheral vision, moving behind the desk. I glanced up, meeting a pair of steely grey eyes.

"You must be Cassiel." He smiled softly; the smile similar to Tiberius'. "I'm sorry if I kept you waiting, vampires are messy creatures after all."

"You're Dorian?" I mumbled.

"You sound surprised?" He cocked his head slightly as he took a seat in the chair behind his desk. "Why? Was I not what you expected?"

"Not really. I expected someone older, not a twenty-year-old." I smiled to myself. "I also thought you'd be lacking in the manners department."

Dorian smiled that soft smile again. "You've been hanging around Tiberius, haven't you?"

"He's the one who saved me from one of your lackeys." I supplied. "But she didn't tell you about our first meeting."

Dorian's face turned thoughtful. "You're the human in this equation." He stated. "But you're carrying yourself as if you were an Alpha. And you haven't even made the shift. It's quite remarkable."

"Why did you keep Gabriel instead of giving him back to Tiberius?" I questioned, tired of the banter.

"Because it wasn't safe." Dorian's soft demeanour fell slightly. "Other vampires had heard that I was harbouring one of Tiberius' angel boys. If I had given Gabriel back, they would have just taken him. I understand the importance that you boys hold. I know that something big happens at the end of this. And I want to see it through."

"So, if I asked you to let Gabriel go, would you?"

"If he were here, yes."

"If he were here?" I snapped. "Where is he?"

"No need to bite my head off, Cassiel." Dorian soothed. "Gabriel is fine. He and a couple of other vampires have gone out to the cliffs. He should be back in a few days."

"Why has he gone out there?"

"To have fun," Dorian answered like it were simple. "Your brother is twenty-three years old; he's decided he wants to have some fun before he gets slammed with the harsh reality of what you and your brothers are born to do. Whatever that is."

I paused for a moment, staring hard at Dorian. He wasn't lying. He was going to let Gabe leave with us.

"If Gabe wasn't safe with Tiberius." I started. "Why do you believe he would be safe with us?"

"I believe that Gabriel is safest with you," Dorian replied. "I've come to love that boy as my own and I wouldn't trust him with anyone who isn't family. This nest and you are family. And you'll keep him safe because he's your family."

Dorian wasn't what I had imagined at all. He was soft, caring even. He was a lot like Tiberius. So, it was no surprise when the confusion set in. What had Dorian done to make Tiberius hate him? His reasoning for keeping my brother were fair, he wanted to protect him. Maybe Dorian had put up a front? Made it seem like he was keeping Gabriel for his own selfish reasons. I just couldn't figure it out and it was beginning to drive me insane. There was a dull ache growing in the back of my skull from lack of sleep, and my eyes felt like they were on fire. I needed to get out of this bright room, or at least shut the curtains. If there were any.

"Are you alright, Cassiel?" Dorian ventured. "You don't look well."

"I don't feel it either." I groaned, leaning forward to nurse my head in my hands. "I need to lie down."

"I'll have someone show you to Gabriel's room." Dorian smiled again. "I apologise for the fact that we don't have any spare rooms, we never usually have guests."

I could only nod as the dull ache grew into a painful throb. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to block out the light. I felt hands grab me by the arms and gently pull me up, guiding me from the room. All of the noise around me was louder than it should have been. The lights were brighter, I couldn't escape them even after I had covered my eyes with the palms of my hands. I heard a door open and someone walk in ahead of me, the curtains being pulled closed. I was gently pushed down to sit on what I assumed was Gabriel's bed. The hands disappeared, moving away with the sound of receding footsteps.

"I brought you some painkillers," Dorian spoke softly, although it sounded like he was shouting. "They're next to the glass of water on the bedside table. I'll leave you be for now, just call out if you need me. I'll hear you."

I listened as he walked away, the door being shut behind him. I slowly opened my eyes, searching for the glass of water. Michael appeared in my peripheral vision, dropping himself down onto a small sofa on the other side of the room. I didn't speak as I wrapped my fingers around the cool glass, gently scooping up the small pills with my other hand. I placed them in my mouth, drinking some water to help them go down. I sculled the rest of the glass, putting it back on the bedside table with a small thud.

"Are you- "

"Can you not," I whispered. "My head is killing me, and I don't feel like being asked a question that I'll answer with a lie instead of the truth."

"Alright then."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

I won't bother doing the usual since it's been less than a day since I last posted, but thanks for any reads and votes I've gotten between then and now! It means a lot!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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