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The room was thick with a heavy silence as I sat in the aftermath of another argument with Michael. He'd stormed out a few hours ago, slamming the door behind him. I'd let my hopes get too high, I'd expected too much. I should have known that Michael didn't trust me, not completely. I just wished that it wasn't because we weren't the same species. Now we couldn't stop fighting. At first, it was just an angry silence, now it was aggressive jabs and harsh words at every little thing. And my topsy-turvy emotions weren't helping anyone.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, focusing my gaze on the window beside Gabriel's bed. Michael was outside, taking his anger out on an old oak tree. Unlike my brother, I wasn't angry. I wasn't upset or pissed off. I was just indifferent. I couldn't care less if Michael was angry with me or didn't trust me like I trusted him. It wasn't my problem. It was his and he had to deal with it.

I continued to watch my brother drag deep claw marks into the wood of the tree, listening to the soft footsteps walk past the bedroom door. It was becoming easier to tell who was walking past the door as there weren't really that many vampires here, maybe two dozen or so. The vampire who'd greeted us at the door, Rebekah, was fast-paced and silent. Dorian was the same, but with a more noticeable thud, letting the other vamps know where he was at all times. I already had two favourites though. Madeline and Peter, two vampires that had been turned as children. Even after a few hundred years of wandering the earth, they still hadn't lost that child-like innocence.

I jolted as I heard the door creak open, snapping my gaze towards the door. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open slightly. It had been a few days since we had arrived, but I hadn't expected him to come back so soon. His sandy blonde hair was a mess, sticking up all over the place as if he hadn't been bothered to brush it. His pale skin was mostly hidden by the hoodie he had on as well as his jeans. His bright blue eyes bore into mine as he stared in disbelief, his mouth struggling to form words.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you?" He asked softly. "You don't look well."

"I'm alright, just tired." I smiled. "You're taller than in my dream."

"You're smaller than in mine."

I couldn't hold back the laugh that forced its way out of my throat. Gabriel smiled at me, moving into the room and closing the door behind him. My laughter died down as he crossed the room, pulling me up from the bed as he reached me. I held my breath as he pulled me towards him, sighing in relief as he dragged me into a bone-crushing hug. Gabriel breathed in deeply, burying his face into my shoulder.

"You still smell like her." He whispered to himself.

"Like who?"

"Our Mum."

I furrowed my brows. "I didn't know I smelt like her."

Gabriel pulled away from me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Michael didn't tell you, did he?"

I frowned. "Michael doesn't like to tell me anything that has to do with our parents."

"Something's wrong." He tilted his head slightly. "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter right this second." I grinned. "I'd rather spend some time getting reacquainted with my big brother."

Gabriel's frown was quickly replaced with a beaming smile as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the couch on the other side of his room. He sat down, quickly pulling me with him.

"Fill me in." He beamed. "What have I missed out on so far?"

"Too much."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Sorry for the late ass update! I've had a shitty case of writer's block and it hasn't helped since I finished planning the rest of this book because the plan changed just a tad. I'm also sorry that this is a short one but this is the best I've got at the moment since I'm coming to the end of term and all of my assessments are due.

Anyways, thank you all so much for 229 reads and 56 votes! It means so dang much!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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