Twenty Six

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Kai's POV

I had watched Cassiel's torment for days. Marcus' onslaught of abuse never seemed to stop, and when it did, it didn't take long before Marcus returned and it started all over again. I sighed, watching as Cassiel slipped in and out of consciousness. I'd always remained optimistic about this kid's chances, but I was beginning to see why Brienna had her doubts. He was just so...small. And innocent. I'd watched as he cried over the vampire he had killed. There were few left in this world capable of such things.

"Why are you still watching this Kai?" Marcus called from behind me. "I can only imagine how much this hurts, watching one of your own suffer."

"The Fae have suffered greatly over the years and Cassiel is not like us," I spoke gently. "But you already knew that, or you wouldn't have taken such a liking to him."

"I'm not the one who's been following him since the day he was born."

"I followed for a very different reason," I said, turning to face the tall man before me. "I don't wish him dead."

"Would you honestly prefer that his kind roamed the Earth?" He spat. "Or do just want to see the world burn?"

"You forget, I was his kind." I smiled, casting my gaze back to Cassiel's tired face. "He's good, Marc. He's nothing like me. He's not a fuck up."

"I haven't forgotten, Kai. Never in a million years would I forget. But what you are is unpredictable no matter who you are."

"I'm not anything anymore," I whispered, the smile falling from my face. "I've been gone for a long time."

Marcus and I fell silent, watching as Cassiel's chest shuddered as he breathed.

"This has to stop, Marc," I whispered again. "Killing him won't change anything. There will be more children, and there will continue to be bloodshed until she gets what she wants."

"Brienna can go fuck herself." Marcus huffed. "She's the reason you're dead, that everyone we've ever cared about is dead."

"She was under the same orders that we were, except we all suffered different outcomes." I chuckled as the next words fell from my mouth. "And didn't you just kill your brother? I don't remember anyone forcing you to do that."

"Fuck you."

I allowed the room to fall silent, turning to stare at the side of Marcus' face.

"Let him and his brother's go Marcus. I won't ask you again."

"And what happens if I say no?"

"I'm dead. Do you really wanna know what friends I've got on the other side?"

Marcus scowled, flipping me off as he stormed out of the room. He'd do as I said. Hopefully. Marcus owed me a lot more than this measly little favour. He owed me his life. Not that he would have much time left if he let Cassiel go. The boy would turn and more than likely try to kill Marcus for the shit he'd just pulled. At least that's what I'd do if I had as much power as he was going to. As long as he made it.

I sighed as I moved towards Cassiel, stopping to stand over him. I watched as his navy blue eyes slowly fluttered open. He couldn't see or hear me, Brienna wouldn't allow it. He groaned, screwing his eyes shut as he tried and failed to move. He gave up after a few seconds, the movement draining what little energy he had. I smiled as I knelt down, gently stroking his hair as he let his eyes fall shut again.

"I really hope you make it through this, kid because she's done. She's decided that the world can't take any more of this shit. She's also decided that you have to be the one to fix it. It was supposed to be me but I didn't quite make it to the finish line." I paused for a moment, choosing my next words carefully.

"You might not make it through this but you have nothing to be scared of. You've always got someone there to meet you on the other side."

I stood slowly, edging myself further into the corner of the room.

"Don't fear death because she's not your enemy. She's the best friend you'll ever have."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Sorry, it's been so long, life's been rough! I'm also sorry to say that this is the last chapter for RBH. I spent a while dicking around trying to write the last two chapters but they just weren't working out the way that I wanted them to.

I also know that this is a shitty ending, but I promise I will be coming back to it in book three! I'm not sure when that will be up yet but I will post an A/N when it's a week away from being published. I just need some time to work on the story bow that this one has changed and to tweak the description for the book.

Anyways, thanks so much for 520 reads and 87 votes! It means a shit ton!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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