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Tiberius' POV

I rolled my eyes as Sage let out another sigh. It was his eighth in just under five minutes. I'd say he was just bored, but I knew better. He wanted to talk about Fabian and Sybella. He didn't understand why we couldn't tell Cassiel before Fabian did. Granted, I hadn't told him exactly why, but he also never asked so I assumed that he had come to his own conclusions. Apparently not, if his thoughts were anything to go by. As Sage heaved another sigh, I grabbed the journal we had taken from Fabian's room and tossed it at him.

"Unless you plan on telling me what's wrong, could you either shut the fuck up or leave?" I griped. "I may look like I'm in my twenties but I'm still the oldest motherfucker in the damn building. A bitch needs a nap."

"It scares me how you go from speaking like a wise old lady to a drug-dealing crackhead in less than two seconds."

"And it scares me that you keep sighing like a dusty, old air-mattress with a leak." I retorted. "Seriously though, what's on your mind?"

"You already know."

"Tell me anyway."

"I wanna tell Cas about Sybella," Sage mumbled. "I know you said we couldn't, but I hate keeping shit from him, and he hates it when I do."

"And you think I want to keep him in the dark?" I quirked an eyebrow. "I was going to tell Cassiel about Sybella the night we fought. And the only reason I didn't bring her up sooner is because I thought she was dead. She got herself caught up in some fucked up shit years earlier and I thought she was dead."

"So why didn't you tell him?" He questioned, sitting up on his bed.

"I heard Fabian's thoughts; he was thinking about her. About who she really is." I explained. "So, I kept my mouth shut until I could get Fabian alone to ask him in private. He told me everything he knew about her. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell Cas because he said he was going to tell him himself."

"You could still tell him." Sage reasoned. "You are one of Cas' direct links to his family, you have every right to tell him."

"Not about this." I countered. "I physically cannot say a word about this to Cas, whether it be on paper, in a text or in another language. I can't break my promise to Fabian, even if I wanted to."

"Mind elaborating?"

"It's a long fucking story but basically, I'm unable to say anything about this to Cas until Fabian tells him." I clarified. "Even then I wouldn't break this promise because Fabian trusts me. Not to the extent that he trusts Cas, but he still trusts me. And he trusts you too, which is the only reason I even told you in the first place."

"Okay, I get it. You can tell anyone who isn't Cas." Sage said. "But Cas is gonna find out that we knew about this and couldn't say anything. I mean, Fabian is already gonna be in the doghouse for not saying any- "

"I've got it covered." I interrupted. "I'm pretty good at damage control when I wanna be. I'll make sure that Cassiel understands when the time comes."

Sage was quiet for a moment before he turned his gaze to his feet. "I feel like shit. I wanna tell Cas but I also don't wanna throw Fabian under the bus."

"Nobody is throwing Fabian under a bus, Sage." I laughed. "Fabian made a conscious decision when he asked me to keep this a secret for now. He's aware of the consequences. We just have to be there for the both of them when it blows up."

Sage looked back up at me, his mouth open to reply as my phone began to ring. I held up a finger, as I reached for my phone, telling him to keep quiet. I answered it without looking at the caller id, putting it on speaker.


'Tiberius? It's Zarriah."

"Oh hey! Julius said you went on vacation. He wasn't being overly dramatic again, was he?"

"Afraid so. I leave for a conference without telling him one time, and suddenly it's the end of the fucking world."

"I'm sorry to say this, sister, but the man is crazy. Has been for years."

"I'll take your word for it. Back to the matter at hand, Julius told me about Fabian. You're being blocked?"

"Yeah, and by what I have no idea. Safe to assume you've found something for me."

"On Fabian, no. He doesn't have much of a record, nothing that will help you at least. We did find something else though."

"I'm both disappointed and intrigued. You feel like sharing with the class?"

"We did a mass search on Fabian's last name, Sinclair, to see if his name would pop up anywhere. We got a hit at the airport."

"The son of a bitch got on a plane? To where?"

"It wasn't a departing flight. It was an arriving one. We tracked the passenger back to Switzerland."

"Are you telling me Freya fucking Sinclair flew all the way here just to terrorize her brother?"

"I don't think she's just here for Fabian. I had someone look into her. She's been following The Fordomelse for years."

"Please tell me your joking."

"Afraid not, little brother. She wasn't just following them. She was recruited and trained to deal with high maintenance targets. Basically, shit that's hard to kill. She's also a handler."

"Handler? Of what?"

"It's more like a who. I don't think it was an accident, her coming here. I know you still beat yourself up over what happened to Nathaniel. I also know that she could be the answer as to what happened to him."

"She's Nathaniel's handler. Why am I not surprised? I might just kill her."

"That wouldn't be wise. She came here alone; we haven't heard anything about Nathaniel yet. She knows where he is, and if not then she knows where to start looking."

"Why do you have to make valid points?"

"Because out of the three of us, you know I'm the smartest. I have to run; Julius and I have a dinner meeting. Call me if Cassiel runs into any problems with Dorian. I'm more than happy to straighten him out."

"Will do. Love you."

"Love you too."

I ended the call, sighing heavily as I dumped my head in my hands. Of course, The Fordomelse had Nathan. I should have fucking known.

"What's The Fordomelse?"

"Remember when I said that Sybella got involved in some seriously fucked up shit?"


"Well, The Fordomelse is the seriously fucked up shit."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

Just like yesterday, the proper a/n will be on chapter 18.

Also, The Fordomelse will be explained soon but if you really wanna know:

Fordomelse is Swedish for Damnation. I'm aware that they don't speak Swedish in Switzerland, but again, all will be explained soon. Also, the o's in Fordomelse are supposed to have two little dots just above it, I'm too tired to try and figure it out now, so I'll edit it later. I also have no idea how you're supposed to say Fordomelse. So if you wanna look it up, go for gold.

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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