Twenty Five

28 7 2

Sage's POV

I was going to kill him. I was going to string Tiberius up by his neck and use him a boxing bag. I hadn't heard from him in two days, his phone switched off. I was stuck in this shitty motel room hoping that his stupid face would walk through the door. It didn't help that I hadn't heard from Cas since the morning he left for Dorian's. The two of them were driving me insane. I couldn't even leave to look for Fabian because Tiberius and his fat head weren't here. If this continued for much longer, I was going to kill him old school witch-hunter style.

A knock sounded at the door, interrupting me before I could come up with more ways to burn the witch. I stood slowly, creeping towards the door at a snail's pace. If it was Tiberius, he wouldn't have knocked. He would have just barged in. he was also the only one who knew where we were exactly. My pack knew, but they wouldn't reveal that to anyone. They also would have barged in.

"Sage open the door," A voice laughed out on the other side. "It's just me, your friendly, neighbourhood spider-man."

I sighed heavily as relief flooded my body. Turns out my search for Fabian was over. I rushed to the door, throwing it open. Fabian's face lit up as I came into view, his face stretching into a grin. He rushed into the room, dragging me into a headlock. I laughed as struggled to pull my head from his grip. I listened as Fabian sniffed at the air, releasing me from his grip as he spoke.

"Where's Tiberius?" He questioned. "His scent's here but it's stale."

"I don't know." I sighed, scratching the back of my neck. "He left to pick up some food two days ago and I haven't seen him since. I looked for him around town, but he was just gone."

"What about a scent-trail?"

"Nothing, it's like he didn't want me to find him."

"Any idea where he went?"

"I assumed he was looking for you," I answered, gesturing towards him. "But now that you're here..."

I trailed off as I picked up another scent. A wolf. The scent was similar to Fabian's forest-like scent, but there was something else there. Something sweet. I spun on my feet to face the door as footsteps approached, ready to attack, but was stopped short by who I saw. It was a girl.

Her dark chocolate brown hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, the colour identical to Fabian's. She was about the same height as him too, maybe even an inch taller. Her slender figure was clad in all black, from her dark skinny jeans to her bomber jacket.

Her eyes were interesting though. They were mismatched like Fabian's, the same honey-hazel and ice-blue that he had. But they were on opposite sides. His blue eye was on his right side and hers was on her left. They looked so similar in all aspects that it started to creep me out. Then I realised who this was.

"What happened to you hating your sister?" I asked as I looked back at Fabian.

"I never said that I hated her," Fabian replied, digging through one of Tiberius' bags. "I just said that she was a selfish cow who could die in a house fire."

"That could be arranged, brother dearest." Freya chuckled as she appeared beside me.

"It just might be if you keep calling me brother dearest." Fabian spat, still rifling through the bag.

Freya turned to face me slightly. "We've kinda sorted things out. But he's still pissed."

"And rightfully fucking so, leaving me for some dude."

"That dude is family, and he's not the only reason and you know that."

"I'm aware of the other reason's Freya, I don't blame you for wanting those things," He countered, picking up another bag. "Hell, I wanted you to have those things. Doesn't mean I can't be pissed that some other fuckhead got to watch you grow into the woman you are now while I didn't even know if you were coming back."

Freya opened her mouth to speak again but I cut her off.

"You do realise that she works for the Fordomelse, right?"

"I'm aware, she told me." Fabian groaned as he stood up, holding the book I had taken from his room. "Except she wasn't working for them, she was using them."

"Come again?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"To pay for my surgery," Freya explained, moving to stand next to Fabian and taking the book from his hands. "Every job they gave me, they paid me for. I know that it's blood money, but I didn't have a lot of options five years ago. I could fight and the Fordomelse was interested in me, considering I'm not like other wolves. I also did it for Nathan."


"He's my mate." A small smile tugged at her lips before it disappeared as she looked back up at me. "We met when I was fourteen, found out we were mates when I was sixteen. The Fordomelse had taken him back from Tiberius after he had fought so hard to take him back when they first kidnapped him."

"I already know all of this, Tiberius told me," I said, exasperated. "Well, I didn't know the mates bit but it doesn't matter. Do you know where he is?"

"Not exactly." She sighed. "The Fordomelse followed us here after we went rogue, separated us. I don't know his exact location, but I know the places he might be."

"That's why we came here." Fabian grinned. "Did Tiberius try to track me from my house?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He couldn't?"

"Yyyyyyyeah." I drawled. "How did you know?"

"This book you stole from my room was an old journal that Sybella gave me." He continued to grin. "It blocks locator spells and all its degenerate cousins. I can't believe Tiberius didn't figure that out! I even told him about this book."

"You're kidding." I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Definitely not, my dumb friend, definitely not."


Hey guys, gals and fridges!

There's only two more chapters left unless I end up needing to add another chapter for whatever reason. But if not then it's on to the book! I will post an A/N after the last chapter with info about the new book, when it will be published, yadda yadda yadda.

Anyways, thank you so much for 425 reads and 83 votes! It means so much, honestly!

Thanks for wasting your time on me!


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