Chapter 1

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March 12, 2018, 11:08

(Zaylon's POV) I'm so tired, but I must keep on going. The walkers are getting bigger in number and there's no way I can stop it. I've been sitting in this stupid apartment for so many hours that I'm just so hungry right now. I need to run outside and get some food but there's too many walkers outside. I've been sitting on this rugged couch instead of finding weapons. Heck, I haven't even told you who I am. I'm Zaylon the Machamp, master pilot and military colonel. I have lost everything that I had. My wife, parents, and ancestors. There aren't many others, but I have to find them. If I find any, I might have a decent chance to survive. I need to find some food, people, and bigger shelter. Wait, I'm hearing something outside. Is it a survivor? Okay, I'm going to push this door open with brute force. On three, 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . PUSH! Nyeehhh, what's this?

"Soldier, move!!" said a familiar voice.

"What, hello? I said.

"Don't you remember me, soldier? It's me, Adrean the Diglett! One of your teammates in the military, remember." Said Adrean

"Oh, yeah, hey I remember you! But um, do you got any weapons on you? I need some right now."

"Yep hold on a sec."

He mumbled to himself as he walked to his rundown war jeep. A couple of minutes later he came back with a box of guns and grenades and other random weapons.

"Thanks a lot, mate!"

"No problem, and by the way I got you your favorite weapon,"

"Ha. yeah sure, you're not going to find any WW2 weapons around here, those are way too old!"

"Don't be so sure," Adrean said and then pulled a PPsh-42 out of the box.

"Dude, you know me way too well" I, said.

"Well, we better get going before those tank walkers get over here."

Well, this is when me and Adrean got in that beat-up old jeep and drove off into the city. We had a nice time taking turns peppering the walkers with lead and blowing up buildings so that they fell on the walkers(by the way that is slang for 'Zombie') and we laughed all the way through and ate some chocolate.

At last, we got back home and ate a good dinner (better than usual) instead of me, alone in a apartment eating cold-canned ravioli. Wait; oh crap! It's Fritz's birthday! Aaaarrghh, Arceus dangit! He was a kind and strong guy. I hope he survives, if we find him we will definitely give him this cake we made. We were in his kitchen and when we heard a loud gunshot outside we decided we should go check it out. We slowly opened the door and saw something we never would have believed. Our old friend Kedex the Leafeon was running from a horde of crazed walkers.

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