Chapter 2

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March 12, 2018, 21:47

"Well, it's a new day, we better get moving!" Kedex yelled from the hallway, "No time to waste!"

"No, I don't wanna go. It's been like 10 hours we need to wait 'till tomorrow. We still have time," Adrean shouted back.

"I'm being chased by some walkers here, help me!"

"OK, be there in a sec!"

I could hear them from my room, stomping outside and checking the weapons. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of walkers. They must be getting closer and we are running low on ammo.

"Get inside!" I yelled.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Kedex shouted.

We all got into the safe house safely and decided we should build a minigun that shoots grenades. We realized we were not going to have enough time to get all the supplies needed to build it so we decided to go rambo. I got my Ppsh-42 Kedex grabbed a Pp-19 and Adrean got his flamethrower. We started terrorizing the horde of walkers to defend our base and it worked! We all agreed on looking for a chopper at the police station not that far away. Although it is rare for them to be at police stations, we looked anyways.

"Guys! Look over here! It's a worn out police chopper. We need some gas for it though," Kedex shouted

We all looked for gas around town at gas stations, but then there was a fire department and although there could be extra gas inside. We doubted we would find any, but we decided to look anyways, what was the worst that could happen?

(Fritz's POV) *Flips a quarter* Huh, tails. I wonder where's Cecilia? It's been days without her. I really do miss her and I can live like this without her. That's probably the most entertaining thing I've ever seen in this whole month. Happy birthday to me. Yay. Now, I am going to go down stairs to see what I can find some cake around here. Wait, what's that sound? Oh, crap, WALKERS! Where are the weapons?! *Grabs an axe* Die, walkers! Oh, wait that's not zombies those are survivors. Hmm, they look so familiar. Better keep this axe at hand.

"Oh, heyyyyy, Fritz!" Adrean said,"Guys it's Fritz!"

"Adrean? I thought I would never find you guys in a million years!" I exclaimed.

"Happy birthday, man! We've come to rescue you!" Zaylon said running in..

"Hey, I think we might have some man-made cake!" Kedex said and went to the jeep. When he came back he had a strange cake- thingy.

"Yay! My favorite! Oreo cake with big frostings and grenade toppings"

"Wait, what? Who added those!?" Kedex said.

Everyone ran for cover and the cake-thingy exploded splattering charred cake stuff all over the walls.

A wild walker wrangler appeared at the door. "Sorry mates!" A pink frosted cake was in his hands. He climbed up on the firehouse couch and dove out the window, leaving the window in glass shards. "Geronimo!" He proclaimed, the tails of his coat were flying.

" Weird. " We all said in unison.

"By the way, how is it possible to not notice grenades on the cake?" I exclaimed

"Ummm...well I put the grenades there because Fritz likes grenades on his cake." Adrean said.

"They have that explosive flavor to your mouth!" I exclaimed.

"I don't think that's what they actually meant in commercials, Fritz." Kedex pointed out.

"Well, we should get back to the safehouse. We are gonna have a long day tomorrow," Kedex reasoned,"We need to get some sleep."

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