Chapter 7

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April 1, 2018 20:20

(Kyo's POV) Uhhhh...what happened? Where am I? I tried to remember what had happened. dad...MY DAD! Where is he? Is that...oh...oh, no, he's just lying on the floor like he's dead. Is he?! I really dunno. I looked around for a chocolate bar to cool me down.

"Hello?" I yelled into the darkness and took out a grenade and a chocolate bar out of my backpack. What can I say, I like chocolate bars. I ate the chocolate bar and it tasted good. I kinda felt guilty with my dad just lying there unconscious. Just then, I saw a walker. I pulled the pin and turned the lever and threw the grenade as hard as I could. YES! I killed it! But then, it alerted a horde of walkers. It was so scary i couldn't run. If I was going to die, I would die for my dad. I saw a shadow at my feet bigger than my own. A Blaziken jumped right in front of me with dual SMGs. It was Hayden Jeffrey, a guy from the fort! He saved my life by killing all of the walkers. Then, he dabbed right on front of the the walkers' dead bodies. And he just kept on dabbing and took out a water bottle, flipped it and capped it.

"Sir, " I said, "Will you please help me with this situation? I think my dad is in a coma."

"Sure thing, little guy. I'll do what I can." Hayden said.

"I'm not little!" I yelled at him. "I'm 4 feet tall!"

"Heheh, yeah. " He laughed at me. "I think you'll be a cool and strong guy like me. I bet you can pick up any lady in a sec!"

"No, you're just making me feel better."

"I'm dead serious. Here's a Desert Eagle. "

"Wow, I like Deagles!"

"Also, here's a cowboy hat. "

The cowboy hat was black with a gold ring around it. Wait, it's my dad's hat!

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