Chapter 15

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April 13, 2018, 10:30

(Antonio's POV) Woah, this is a long drop! Wai, what is that lava? Ohno, NO! I don't wanna die! Waaaaaahhh!! Right about then, I felt something snag my arms. It was Fritz! But, he looks different. He has darker fur and transparent black fire that circles around him. But isn't he dead? I'm sure he died...Oh shoot, this has gotta be his ghost! And, he's wearing some red and black edgy clothes and...oh! He has wings! He dropped me instead of gently putting me down after he caught me, so that was annoying. But still, Fritz used to just toss me in the air and then catch me again with a laughing look on his face, (because I'm the size of a teddy bear) so I'm used to it.

"Fritz! What happened to you, man?"

His only response was just staring at me with his all-black and red-rings-for-irises eyes with a hint of anger in that glare.

"Hey, are you listening to me?!"

He slowly turned his back on me and walked away. I was really annoyed now, so I followed him to get some answers. He's got big wings I gotta say; they look cool too! But something is wrong with him. I followed him until I saw a black temple thingy. It was big enough for a king to live in. I looked around me. Everything was so dark and the shadows are red like the nether in Minecraft. I'm starting to worry.

"Hey, listen!" I yelled. I feel like I'm Navi from the Legend of Zelda.

Then, something weird happened. Fritz cupped his hands to his face. His clothes and fur color started changing from his ghost clothes to his normal attire and his dark fur returned to it's normal fur. His wings started disappearing.

"Fritz!" I yelled.

"Antonio!" He responded.

"Fritz, what happened to you?"

"The hole you dropped in isn't really a hole. It's portal to a new dimension. It changes your personality and appearance!"


"Yeah, your personality is changed to a glum and grumpy one and nothing else. I guess that the light from Earth puts me back to my normal mood. Is everyone around Earth alright?"


"That's good to know. We need to get to Hayden and get him back to Earth, but we will transform to this dimension's mood swing. Hayden's in that building."


No one came out of the gates of the temple except for a Lycanroc.

"Hello, my name is Lyncer. If you're looking for your friend, you'll need to go through this quest first."

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