Chapter 10

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April 4, 2018, 11:28

(Cecilia's POV) Hehe, that little Riolu is really cuddly. I want to hug him all day! Anyways, after those survivors showed up they....umm....Went into a city to find food to feed us, but they had problems. You know how cities are popular and have a large population? Well, that means more walkers. Well, men are idiots and decided to be retards and go YOLO on the dangerous mission to get food.

I'm not joining them. I'm staying here guarding the camp with this little Riolu!

"I want to go adventuring!" Kyo proclaimed.

"Well, let's go!" I said. "Also, bring some supplies too!"

"I meant by myself." Kyo mumbled, but he didn't have the heart to say it out loud.

We went through the woods and found some pretty plants and weird-looking trees. We also found some walkers on the way but I took care of them. We were having fun and threw leaves in the air. But, we came a across a deserted highway. I saw a bunch of walkers in the distance. We hid under some cars while the walkers passed by. Gosh, there are so many! I stayed under a car and Kyo was under a separate one.

(Donovan's POV)Well today we went to find some food and we came to this mall. We went inside and tried to find as much food as we could. Suddenly I heard a whole lot of footsteps coming our way. Fritz and I hid behind bushes while Zaylon decided to just stand in the middle of the walkway, guns ready. The walkers were getting closer and then Zaylon had a sudden urge.

"Wait, hold on. I need to tie my shoes," Zaylon crouching down.

The walkers literally walked right passed him and I had to keep Fritz's mouth shut because he really wanted to tell Zaylon how stupid that was but it would only get the walker's' attention. After the horde left, Fritz literally yelled at him for being in such danger because he was worried about him.

"FUS RO DAH!!" He yelled.

I was so angry at Fritz for doing such a thing that I pushed him towards a window and slammed him into it causing the window break. He literally fell 3 stories of the building. Then, Kedex came walking out of the shadows and I was all like "KEDEX SURVIVED!!!" But it turned out he was a mutilated walker (probably from the grenades he threw at the end of his life) and he came stumbling toward Fritz. Fritz tried to crawl away but he was too injured from the fall and could not bear the pain. We jumped out of the window and tried to stop Kedex but he was too strong. He literally ripped Fritz's arms off before a different Lucario smacked Kedex with the butt of an axe. The mysterious Lucario gave Fritz a medicine then reached in a bulky bag he was carrying and pulled out two prosthetic arms. He then placed the two arms on Fritz' bloody shoulders.

"Are you OK man?" The Lucario said. "I'm Soul. Soul Black."

"I'm Fritz," was all Fritz was able to say before fainting from the loss of blood.

"Well," Soul said, "that's perfectly normal but you'll want to get him rested up for a while."

"Uh...Who are you?" I blurted out.

"Well I used to be a professional medic in the military but times have changed," Soul said begrudgingly, "I used to be really famous too."

"Can you please help Fritz? He's a good soldier of ours" Zaylon pleaded.

"Oh, sure, I'll do what I can. As a medic and expert prosthetist, I can collect some of his blood, duplicate it and put it back to his body."

"Oh wow." I was surprised. "What about Kedex? Can you cure him?"

"Oh, I can revive that Leafeon if that's what you mean. He'll be returned to his normal leaf-green self." and with that he pulled a glowing green bottle out of his bag, walked over to where Kedex was lying and tipped a couple drops into his mouth. The effects were immediate: Kedex slowly started turning back to his normal self.

"He shouldn't remember anything past when he got infected," Soul reasoned.

"Oh, hello, guys!" Kedex said,"Why did you leave me? Also where's my AK?"

"Yup, he's back" Zaylon said. "We went to chase some penguins"

"I have your AK," I said pulling it out of my pack.

"Oh, thank you!"

We went on with our merry little ways. Zaylon had to drag Fritz's unconscious body to an abandoned but looks-as-elegant-as-before hotel. There was a bunch of walkers in it but we just pumped them full of lead. We each found a place to stay for the night and prepared to go back to camp in the morning.

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