Chapter 11

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April 5, 2018, 8:23

(Kedex's POV) Well yesterday was really weird. I was doing something and then I felt this pain in my head and a little later someone dropped something in my mouth. Suddenly I could see and think clearly. My friends and two new guys were standing over me smiling. Anyway that was yesterday, today we woke up in a hotel and started walking back towards a camp my friends had set up. Well we got to the camp and there was nobody there except for some walkers. After they no longer moved everyone started talking about some people named Cecilia and Magda. They also talked about Kyo. I don't really know the other people but they sounded like they were friends. After some asking around I got told the full story up from when they left me with that tank walker. After that we split up into two groups. One went to look for our missing friends. The other group stayed to guard camp. I got to stay. Yay, whoo hoo for me. I ate and shared some Spam with Kyo. Mmm, cooked Spam like my mom used to make. Instead, it was Magda's cooking. Eh, it's still pretty good. Well anyway, I got to stay at camp with Fritz and the Magda. I'm really sad that I didn't go help anyone, but Soul stayed here to cheer me up.

"Hey, there bud, what's wrong?" He asked.

"It's just that I didn't go on the rescue mission with the other guys" I replied.

"Well, it's because they don't want you to get infected like last time. Plus, I'm running out of medicine. It's risky."

"Yeah, I know. But they have the same chance to get infected as me. And I just want to have fun and excitement."

"Well, umm, here's a caramel Lindor chocolate."

"Ooohh, yay!" And I ate the whole thing in seconds.

"This secret will be between us, but I find that Magda the Zoroark over there beautiful and sexy. Do you know much about her?"

"No, wait, do you have a crush on her?!" I accused.

"No. Heck no. PSHHHH. Noo!! Shut up!"

"Yes, you do"

"No, I don't!!

"C'mon, just admit it"

"No, I simply do not have a crush on her! I just admire her poise, you know?"

"I'll just tell her!"

I stood up and yelled to Magda, "Hey, Magda! Sou-" Before I could finish my sentence, Soul clapped a hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, you stupid Leafeon! Shut it or else I will throw out my medicine supply for you."

Magda came over to us because of my yelling.

"Hey, what's going on over here?"

"Nothing. Just me and Kedex playing around, hehe. Kedex- he's just being weird as usual, that's all!" Soul said nervously.

"'ee wuvs 'oo!" I tried to yell but Soul's hand was still over my mouth."

"Really!?" She gasped.

"No!" Soul said, "He was just joking around!"

"Oh, okay," Magda said sullenly.

Magda left with a sad look on her face. Soul felt bad about that. I think he just broke her heart. Soul walked over to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Soul said. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"No, it's okay. I'm really fine"

"Um, Why are you sad?"

"I just broke up with my boyfriend because he was so mean to me."

"If it makes you feel even a bit better... Here, have some chocolate," He gave her a chocolate, "let me be honest with you. I...I well-I just um..."

"C'mon, just say it, Soul!," I whispered, "I bet my mom's life that you can't."


Just then a walker stepped out of the shadows right behind them.

"LOOK OUT!!" I yelled pulling out my AK-47 and blasting away.

"Ahh. Thanks bro," Soul said, "I didn't see that one."

"So, what were you saying, Soul?"

"I...I um I've been meaning to tell you something... Kedex wasn't joking around. I really uh...I think I'm in love with you..." He said while blushing furiously.

*Gasps* "I LOVE YOU TOO!!"

Soul hugged Magda close and kissed her.

The group that went out came back on time just to see Soul and Magda kissing each other.

"What the heck is going on over here? Don't do that in public! Revolting" Zaylon exclaimed.

"KYAAA! Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh, I ship it! I always thought it would be cute, but I never actually thought the ship would sail! You got yourself a man, Magda!" Cecilia giggled.

"Cool, it's a new couple." Fritz commented loudly.

"They love each other." I said, sitting on a log grinning. I got out marshmallows and started roasting them.

A walker walked up to the campfire. I let him sit by me and eat some roasted marshmallows. Then, he left. He was a good walker, just hungry for marshmallows, not brains. And after all, he was a friend of ours. He was Adrean the Diglett.

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