Fallen ones

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The claimed to be Fallen Ones, Jeremiah Bradford, Tori Hunt, Jessica Sanchez, Edward Edgar and Isaiah Cronquvest were the hunters of demonic creatures and forces.  They were like the Fallen Angels only they went after their own kind and we're out to destroy everything in their way. The smell of marijuana filled their noses as they stood on the timeline of Monterey City. 

They chose who they helped but they also chose when they turned on their supposed comrades. I smelt them from the schools bathroom and started to freak out.  "What's wrong? What's happening," Wynrie asked me.  I wasn't trying to worry her right now and I knew how to evade her questions for a hot minute. "Just follow me and do what I say and everything should be alright," I replied back. I took her to the room where I knew the Embers brothers were, the English room.  They say the way I had Wynrie and almost immediately ran over and started up with questions.

"What's going on? Did you feel that too? That presence of evil," Tate asked. "She must've or else she wouldn't have come with Wynrie dumbass," Daemon shot at Tate. "You don't have to be a dickhole about everything," Tate replied. "Stop being such a dumbshit then and mayhap we can get somewhere," Daemon shot back. "We don't have time for you two children fighting," I shot at them both. The nodded at me, letting me know everyone was on the same page.

"It's the Fallen Ones they're here.  Well,  a group, not the whole clan.  We need to get Wynrie to a safer place than here and we don't have much time.  We need to find a way to get her out even if that means two of us have to stay and fight then off or distract them for a bit. Leaving one alone with the one they're after, " I said. Daemon and Tate both looked at me as if I were playing a practical joke on them or something and it was getting old at this point. "This is why I don't work with you guys, you get the information and then look at me like a couple of dumb apes and that's not what we need to be doing right now," I said bitterly.

"How about I take Wynrie and create a diversion to escape and get her to safety while you two stay here and wait for our lucky ducklings to show, " Daemon suggested. "Sounds like a plan and one that will have to work for now because I sense them approaching closer, " I replied. I made sure I didn't give Tate enough time to interject his thoughts on the plan because it would've taken is longer to come to an actual agreement. And we didn't have time.

Being a witch was easy for me.  I always knew all kinda of spells and things to kill all kinds of different creatures and it was really cool to be honest. I loved being a witch.  Witchcraft was one of my favorite things about schools.  They had libraries and I was able to get the knowledge I needed to get my notes started. And finding family notes was even more helpful.

I felt a sting of pain hit my ribcage, sharply.  I found they were alot closer than I had thought. They tricked me! Must've used some sort of barrier protecting them from my senses.  Bastards! Daemon and Wynrie went to the front of the classroom at the teacher's desk and he said, " She needs to go home and I'm taking her she isn't doing so good.  She can't wait any longer. She needs to go now." The teacher looked furiously at Daemon," No,  you both aren't going anywhere. You will remain right here until the bell has rung.  Then you may go home just like everyone else," the teacher shot back.

Daemon's eyes began to glow a golden color and he looked at the teacher and said, " No,  sir,  I believe you are the one who is mistaken. I'm going to take this young lady home and your going to allow it.  No complaints from anyone are going to stop this. She needs to go home. Just look at her,  she's very I'll.  Do you not see?" Damn had made an illusion for the man to see and what he saw was bad enough for him to let them go without any further hesitation.

Since there was no more hold up,  Daemon practically rushed Wynrie out of the classroom and out of the building. I stood there with Tate, who I knew was going to start winning about how it should've been he who took her to proper safety and not Daemon.  I was not in the mood for this. Not today.

I felt that same piercing sting to my ribcage and I found I was on greater pain than I realized. Tate took hold of me, steadying me.  "You alright Rahven," he asked.  "Yeah..  Just peachy.  Fine, " I groaned back.  He knew the same thing I did,  they had drawn closer and our time was nearly up.. Before it had even begun.

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