Part 13: Wynrie's last chance

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RYDER! He was at the front door and James was there talking to him and I knew it wasn't going to be long before James was doing more than that and Ryder the same. They were fighting and I remember coming in and trying to get both of them to stop but they wouldn't. "That's my baby inside of her," Ryder shouted. "I don't give a rats fucking asshole," James shot back, loudly.

Nothing I could or would do would change it. I knew it and had finally come to terms with that and decided to let them handle it but I had one condition. "You won't be doing it anywhere near here. It's going to be an alley. On your time. Not in my house or near it," I said.They honored my condition and left my house and went off to fight, maybe even kill each other. I knew I couldn't worry about them and had to focus on my baby and figure things out.

I picked up my phone and dialed Wynrie and asked her to come over and she said she wouldn't be long coming over. There was a knock at the back door which shocked me because Wynrie never used the backdoor unless an emergency escape for some reason. I opened it and went into a mental breakdown inside of myself. Tate was staring at me and he pushed past me and was now inside my house.

This was her last fucking chance. Wynrie needed to make her decision now. She could hear harsh footsteps in the house and she knew she shouldn't leave where she was. She also knew she had to do something. She could hear faint voices but she couldn't quite make them out. She knew now wasn't the time to cower down and it was time for action.

She texted Daemon and told him Tate was here and he replied back,"I already knew," and it made Wynrie upset. She decided she had to take her own action and say,"Fuck the Embers' brothers."

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