Icy Girl

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Wynrie sat in her English class and waited for the teacher to speak. She was quieter than normal today. Her encounter with Daemon Embers was the first she'd really had with anyone before. Or even just with him. Wynrie always believed in doing the right thing no matter how much it cost her. Daemon, she believed, was the type who didn't give a rip about the right thing or even doing it. So much carnage... Wynrie tried to muffle a cry of pain but failed. A few of the other kids took notice and decided to make a game out of it. They walked towards Wynrie and pretended they were gonna help. The walked away from her, laughing. She began to cry out louder this time.

Daemon was just down the hall when he heard faint feminine cries. He could tell the female was in some sort of distress. All hope felt gone. He immediately got out of his seat and headed towards the noise. It was when he came half way down the hall that he knew who's cry it had been. Wynrie. That sweet, innocent, tiny girl being in pain, the thought drove him insane on the inside. The demon laughed deeply inside of Daemon. The demon had become impatient and wanted an afternoon snack, of sorts. Wynrie's cry became louder until Daemon couldn't handle it anymore and just walked disregarding the demon.

Wynrie was pants-pissing terrified, writhing in pain. She screamed and Daemon went into kick-ass mode. He was gonna get to the bottom of this after he got her safe and healthy. He stopped dead in the doorway of English class, his fists clenched and teeth tight. His rage wanting to burst out from within him. "Who did this to her", Daemon asked. After awhile when nobody answered, he got pissed, flipped the table over along with a few chairs and picked Wynrie up in his arms. His semi-muscular arms carried her out of the door, but not before Daemon broke the window and the cabinet. Wynrie moaned and cried out in n Daemon's arms.

"Shhhhh, lil one. My lil Spider. No, my lil Wyn. No, no my lil Sis. Yeah, better. My dear sis, hold on a little longer. Please." His words heavy. Placed on her was a cooling wrap to relieve her some. She cried louder now as the pain grew super unbearable. Daemon was told to place his hand on the side of her face to keep her steady and calm. Daemon gently placed his hand against Wynrie's face and started talking to her. "My dear, what happened? I wish you could tell me so I can make it all better. I wanna help you. C'mon lemme hear that voice you got. Your sweet, soft, sexy voice. I remember the first time I saw you, the first day. That day brought me joy. Every since, everytime I got to see you, I craved something, someone. You. Ever since the first time I saw you, you made me crave you. I wanted to know what you smelled like up close, what you feel like to my touch, what you taste like on my lips and what you'd do when it went further." Daemon chuckled.

"You have been my everything and I never noticed how true it was. Wynrie Moon, I... I need you. Please... Don't let go. shoulda never let you be alone. I noticed some of your scars being branded into your beautiful flesh. Skin so soft I want to... I just... Please..." Daemon felt something wet on his face. It splashed on his cheek. A tear. "Now, I see oh so many scars. Scars cut deep into your skin. Into your very soul. " Wynrie moaned and forced herself to open her mouth. "They told me... I was worthless and ugly. I was never going to be enough for anything. Let alone anyone. I did not let this stop me many times before until this point...

It's reached a level of aggression that I need not. Nor have I deserved it. A pain unlike any other. This pain has become mentally and emotionally straining. The physicality of it all is downright suicide. It's a heavy impact that not many truly know. People make mistakes, yes, but there comes a point where it's no laughing matter anymore, it's serious. All those kids did was... Kill me... They also caused me to have tried it on myself. Failing obviously... There is no saving me. Not anymore. It's too late now... " Wynrie began moaning in pain. Her body quickly going into shock. Causing her to tremble and writhe in continuous suffering.

She cried out sharply. It stung Daemon's core to hear that. To have her, someone he actually liked, be in that amount of pain... It downright killed him to let her suffer. He just couldn't... Daemon got up and headed towards the nurse, Mrs. Andrews. He grabbed her up by the blouse collar and shouted" Listen ma'am, I need you to help her get out of the pain. Like take it away. Now. She needs help..., " those last words trembled in his throat when he said them aloud. Not out of guilt. More like out of pain for himself as well. He hated women and girls crying. Always had. Over the years it got worse. He had become one of those guys to cause it, but those days were pretty much far behind him. He hasn't done it for seven years now.

"You'll hafta lemme go then. Can't work on her if your holding me up here. " She smirked at the last word. Like a trophy of some sorts over him. He clenched his teeth. "Fine," he said. "Just fix her. " As if she were broken. Like some kind if mere doll that got broken by a young child by accident. He stood over Mrs. Andrews as she went to work on fixing up Wynrie. Daemon Hated that he wasn't there to help her out, possibly even have prevented it. His guilt consuming him. Hatred for himself grew to a new level. He began wishing it were he who was there, laying on the pleather, sofa-like-thing, hurting. Writhing in pain. Not poor Wynrie. This is your fault, his demons would scream.

Wynrie was bleeding out heavily. Daemon was back to clenching his teeth. He was in pain himself now. Not as much as she was though. But boy, did he wish...

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