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I WAS four months into exercising and eating healthy and weighed one hundred and twenty-five pounds as I stepped down from the scale. I was almost two hundred pounds lighter, it was incredible. Marjorie screamed and gave me a big hug and I cried as we hugged.

"I can't believe it. I can't believe I did it." I sniffed after I untangled my arms from her body.

"Yes, you did. I can't tell you how proud I am. Many clients have worked into this gym wanting to get this same result and left disappointed because they weren't ready to commit fully but you did and it payed off. Congratulations!"

"Thanks, for everything. Your support and friendship kept me going on most days," I said to her.

"You're welcome, this is the reason I do this. We have to celebrate."

"We do. I hope you're not thinking of doing that with more exercise though?"

"Who do you think I am? We have champagne in the gym for this sort of occasion. I'm going to get a bottle for this, to celebrate your journey."


"Stay right here," she said. Marjorie went out of the gym and came back in with a bottle of champagne and disposable cups. I moved away from the spray when she opened the bottle and it sprayed everywhere. "Here's your cup." Marjorie handed me a cup and I held it out as she poured some champagne into it. "We are toasting to good health," she said.

"And better life," I added as we clinked out cups together. I drained the bubbly content as Marjorie talked.

"I haven't even measured your inches yet. Can you remember we did that the first time you were here?"

"I'm pleased with the scale. I don't need any more evidence to know that I've come so far from where I used to be."

"I'll take it for documentation and take some pictures also. We always save the before and after to encourage others that are willing to join the gym."

"That's great, I'll be happy to do it."

"Yes, but some other time. Are you still seeing your therapist because I have to send her feedbacks?"

"I still am."

"Perfect, drink up. You know you still have to keep to your routine, right?"

"Of course, I can't stop now."

"No, you can't," Marjorie said.

Kelvin was ecstatic when I told him of my new weight. You'd think he was the one that lost all that weight. I was happy too but the loose skin on my body concerned me, and I was clueless as to what to do about it. One day, on our way back from work, I shared my concern with Kelvin.

"Do you think there's a way I can get rid of it?"

"I know a cosmetic surgeon at V.I. He specializes in those sort of things, my sisters talk about him every day."


"Yea. They cut the excess skin off, I'm no specialist so we have to consult him first."

"That's frightening," I said, "I don't want to visit another hospital. My visits to hospitals so far haven't been pleasant."

"I didn't put it well. I think using cut was a bit dramatic, they get rid of the excess part surgically and I'll be there with you so it should be less frightening."

"That doesn't make it any better, I've never had a surgery."

"They are experts and that's their field so it's going to be fine."

"I hate hospitals. Argh!"

"I think you should talk to them first before deciding anything. Hear everything they have to say, ask questions and let me know what you decide."

"I'll need that address then."

"I'll text it to you or I could go with you if you want."

"Thanks but I think I can handle it on my own. I'm totally sticking to this healthy way of living, I don't want to go back to those dark times."

"You won't."

"How can you be so sure?" I turned to ask him.

"You're disciplined and it can't be that bad eating vegan pizza." Kelvin looked at my scrunched up face and laughed.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence. Eating vegan pizza is not so good, I think I can eat regular pizza but not as much as I used to. I'll ask my nutritionist, I'm sure I'll have a new meal plan now that I've lost so much weight."

"Maybe more carbs."

"I'll like that. How's Alex by the way, you've not talked about her in a while, are you guys okay?"

"She's fine. We are going through some things right now and she's talking about us taking a break from each other, I have no idea why she would want that."

"I'm sorry to hear that. You guys should work through your differences, you look good together."


"So you are all by yourself in the house?"

"I'm not. She's still lives with me in the house but we barely talk. She likes to punish me with silent treatment, that's her way of rebelling."

"That's sad. You guys were so in love all of the times I've seen you together. I'm sure you'll work things out."

"We'll be fine. This is not our first fight and it won't be the last."

"I don't know exactly what's going on but try to make peace. Fighting is stressful."

"I know. Let me know what you decide about consulting the doctor so we can visit him."

"I said I can handle it, don't worry about me."

"Do you want to come in with me?" Kelvin asked as we got to his gate.

"No. You and Alex need some alone time, I don't want to intrude."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Get your shit together, bro. That girl loves you like crazy," I said before he got out of the car. I wanted him to be happy and he didn't look it.

"Alright, I'll take your advice," Kelvin said and got out of the car.

I watched him enter the gate and drove out. I drove past my house and headed to the cinema, I couldn't face an empty house just yet. Especially after encouraging Kelvin to work things out with his girlfriend. I could have kept my mouth shut or hinted something malicious but I wasn't that petty. If and when he chose to love me as much as I did him, it would be because he wanted to not because he was manipulated or coerced. I didn't want to be a substitute lover.

I got to the cinema and joined the queue at the ticket stand. When it got to my turn, I picked an action movie that had Dwayne Johnson on the cover and went to get popcorn. I went into the cinema hall and settled down with my popcorn and water after I chose a seat in the front row. I sipped the water I had with me and waited for the opening of the movie, I didn't find water so boring or repulsive anymore. I looked around the half full cinema as I waited. The movie started and I concentrated hard forgetting all about Kelvin and his relationship problems.

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