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A MONTH after the last of my scars healed, Kelvin decided to throw me a party. Of course, I declined when he told me of his plan, so we settled on going to the club to celebrate my newly healed body. I backed down as the day grew closer so we postponed it over and over again. Although I felt brand new and reborn, I couldn't help being nervous and terrified at the idea of being in a large gathering surrounded by so many people. Kelvin wouldn't bulge though, he wanted me out of my comfort zone and there was nothing I could do about it. Apparently that was one of his grand ideas of self-discovery.

I chewed on my nails as I stared into space and thought of something to wear. The day was drawing near and I still had most of my old clothes which were now very loose on me. I was several dress sizes down and I had nothing manageable to wear to the club. We had a new date planned for the outing and I knew it was compulsory for me to go on a shopping spree for clothes. I had terrible taste in clothes so I needed an intervention. I didn't want to go to the mall on my own and end up with the usual style of clothing I got at the maternity section.

As the clock struck 5 p.m. I took my handbag and rushed out of the office. Kelvin was already by the car leaning casually against it like he was in the middle of a photo shoot and his face brightened when he saw me.

"Hey, Fatimah."

"Hey," I replied.

"So how was work today?" he asked as I threw him the car keys.

"You're driving and work wasn't fine. I've too many things to do with too little time."

"Doesn't everyone?" Kelvin asked.

I sat in the passenger seat and he drove out of the car park. He honked to say goodbye to the security man.

"That's not Dwayne."

"He's a new employer."

"And you're friends with him already."

"I'm friends with everyone."

"You don't say," I said, sarcastically.

"So, are we still going to the club this weekend?" he asked, turning down the volume of the radio as an afro pop was blasting out of the radio.

"Yes but I don't have anything to wear so I have to go shopping soon."

"I'm coming with you."

"You don't have to." It was going to be embarrassing and I didn't want him with me.

"I've seen your clothes and trust me, you need my help. In short, you should beg for my help."

"I'll ask Seye. I think the girls will handle it better," I said, playfully.

"That's sexist."

"Is it?"

"Don't you see how Seye dresses? She hates girl's clothing, I on the other hand know everything I need to know about fashion. It's my forte, I used to dress my sisters when we were kids."

"There are attendants in the stores that can assist us so we'll be fine."

"Well, I offered."

"And it's appreciated. Why don't we shift this clubbing to your birthday, it's soon right?"

"Right, but we're not doing that. I want you to meet new people and Alex is planning something for my birthday already."

"You can't blame me for trying. Apart from the office, I don't think I've been to enough places. It's scary out there, don't you know?"

"I know the club is not your thing so if it doesn't work out we'll try the libraries where nerds like you are bound to be."

"I'm not a nerd."

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