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I DIDN'T see Kelvin for several days after the car incident, and I didn't bother to find him. At this point, the only thing that could help with our current situation was distance, and I gave him plenty of that. We went to work separately since I sent him a text once that I'd be going late to work. He seemed to understand the silent message I was conveying. We couldn't risk being in confine spaces together for the moment.

I still chatted with Kelvin occasionally and he was aware that I was now friends with Akin. I'd told him earlier that I was going out with Akin later in the day, Kelvin didn't input much when I brought him up. I genuinely liked Akin, but I wasn't interested in a relationship with him. There was no physical attraction between us and he was fine with being friends.

I stretched on the sofa as I read one of the motivational books Kelvin bought for me during my recovery. My hand unconsciously touched the surgery scar below my navel. It was inconspicuous and I sometimes missed it when I stood in front of a mirror. I turned the pages of the book and changed my position on the sofa.

I wasn't really into books that weren't about technology and programming, but I was glad Kelvin bought me a book in a different genre. It made me feel so much better, and it changed my outlook on several things in life. I'd even had to buy more from several authors with related content. There was an obvious boost in my confidence as time went on and it was refreshing. I was taking charge of my body and soul and I smiled more than I used to. There was a sense of freedom and completion that I constantly felt that used to be foreign with me.

I could look Gwyneth in the eye and have a decent conversation with her, without thinking of all the horrible things she and her friends used to say to me. It was mostly because I knew now that I shouldn't have made them affect me so much. I was making friends rapidly at the firm during lunch breaks, and the only time I sat behind my desk was when I was really busy working on something that couldn't wait.

I was living and not simply existing. Even my boss took notice of my change in demeanor and he'd dropped few praises here and there. My self-imposed bubble was dismantled. I booked appointments at spas without thinking too much of the prices because it made me feel good. It wasn't something I would have normally done before because I found it frivolous.

There was one difficult thing so far that put a dent on my happiness, and it was trying to think of Kelvin as a best friend and nothing more. Some nights, I stayed awake thinking of the short sexual experience I shared with him. On one occasion, I literally had to count to ten when I caught a glance of him just to stop myself from imagining something sexual. I knew I was playing with fire and that was basically why I was going out with Akin. Having someone else that was oblivious to what was happening between I and Kelvin felt different. He was the opposite of Kelvin, they had nothing in common and it was perfect for me.

I tried not to compare Akin to Kelvin when I chatted with him. I dropped the book I was reading on the sofa and went to the bedroom. I went to my newly arranged closet and took out a gown. I'd recently given out my old clothes after days of procrastination, and I needed to buy some more to fill the empty spaces they left. My style was changing, I was happy to flaunt my curves and wear brighter colors. I wanted to feed my soul with so much positivity and confidence and bright colors helped in that department.

I found some black stiletto heels to go along with the cobalt, cold-shoulder, midi dress. I cleaned my face with oil removing wipes before spreading foundation liquid over it. This was my first outing with Akin since seeing him at the club, and I wanted to make a good impression. We were going to meet at a restaurant not far from my house. I changed into my dress and wore my shoes. After glancing at the mirror one last time to make sure I was presentable, I left the house.

Akin was seated and drinking wine when I got to the restaurant. I hurried over and he pulled a chair out for me after we exchanged side hugs.

"You're early," I said.

"Yes. What do you want to drink?" Akin asked.

"I'll have whatever you're having." He signaled for the waiter's attention and I got a glass full of merlot. "I'm out of my depth here, I really don't do fancy restaurant," I said looking at the dry wine wearily.

"Fatimah! You should have told me that, we're leaving then."

"Are you okay with leaving?"

"Of course." He helped me with my bag and we went out of the restaurant.

"Are you comfortable in those heels? My car isn't parked close."

"I can manage." I smiled at his concern.

We walked towards an Audi convertible car and when he unlocked the car doors, I glided majestically into the seat. The interior was posh than I was used to seeing. Granted my car was somewhat expensive but compared to his, it wasn't. The seat was tan leather and the stereo unit and dashboard were in red. The contrast was breathtaking.

"Your car is beautiful," I said.

"Thanks. I'm obsessed with cars, that's one of my many faults." He buckled his seat belt and started the car, the engine roared to life and he zoomed off, like literally zoomed off.

"I can't imagine the horsepower of this thing," I said, caressing the dashboard.

"So were would you like to go to?"

"I have no idea. I don't want somewhere fancy, just decent."

"What do you like to eat?"

"Fruits, vegetables, cereal, chocolates and burger amongst other things."

"We'll have a cereal date then."


"I would have taken you to my house since my building has a rooftop...we could watch the stars and talk about things, but I don't want to creep you out. We'll go to the beach."

"The beach sounds good. Do you have a blanket in the car?"

"Yea. We need to get cereal first so we have to make a stop at the store."

We found a store on our way to the beach and picked different boxes of cereal with milk. I picked some disposable bowls and spoons. Akin was making videos on his social media, he'd said he was popular there. I didn't care, social media wasn't my thing. I picked a flip flop to add to the trolley because my feet were killing me. Akin offered to pay for the items when we were about to checkout and I agreed.

The beach was noisier than ever when we arrived. Some teenager was having a party and they had mounted large speakers that were giving off loud music around. I changed into flip-flops and we walked around the beach until we found a spot with less people. Here the music wasn't eardrum piercing and we settled down on the blanket Akin helped me to spread. He helped me with the cereal and handed me a bowl after pouring cereal and milk into it. Akin laid on his side with his hand beneath his head and watched me eat.

"Don't you want some?" I asked when he didn't try to make a bowl for himself.

"No, I'm lactose intolerant," he said.

"Then we would have gone with a different milk. Why didn't you say something?"

"Eat. I don't like cereal that much also."

"Why are we then on a cereal date?"

"Because you love it and I wanted to satisfy you. I'll call my driver to bring something, just relax and enjoy the fresh air."

"Wait, you have a driver?"

"And a personal chef, any problem?"

"No, just surprised. What exactly do you do?" I ate a spoonful of cereal.

"I work with my dad, he owns several filling station and I manage some. I'm into real estate also like I told you before."


"Oh as in impressing or disappointing?"

"Not disappointing, why would it be?"

"Most people give me crap because I work for my dad. They assume I don't have to work hard since it's my dad's company, but I do work hard. I work very hard."

"You don't have to defend yourself. I'm not judging you."

"Do you like the cereal?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I love it."

"I'm glad. I really do like you, you're different. Do you remember half the things you did at the club the other night?"

"I drank alcohol." Don't think of what happened with Kelvin, I warned myself.

"You stopped the party when you started dancing, it was so entertaining."

"You mean embarrassing?"

"You promised them free drinks, they were impressed."

I frowned. "I can't remember doing that. I didn't get any bill for the drinks."

"I settled it."

"Are you serious? Did I really promise them drinks?"

"You did."

"I'm sorry you had to pay for the drinks. I can reimburse you."

"There's no need for that."

I was never really much of a drinker, but I was going to stop drinking altogether. I didn't want a repeat of that night.

"I need a house by the beach. This is so peaceful."

"It is." I mimicked his position when I finished the cereal.

"I'll make it our engagement gift."

I laughed at his joke and shoved at him. He peered down to look at me and his eyes were serious.


"Just joking. It's always fun making some remarks, it gets people worked up."

"That's an extreme sport."

"Don't I know that?"

"How did you know Alex?" I needed to know.

"She's my younger sister's friend."

"How many siblings do you have?"


"I have'll have to meet my best friend one of these days. He's the only family I have, and I would like for you two to be friends. I have another friend, but she's crazy. If you enjoy pulling my legs, then you'll like her because that's basically all she does."

"Why do you have a male best friend anyway?"

"The reason people have friends. Should there be a deep explanation about it?"

"I find it weird. Isn't that the guy that pulled you away from me at the club?"

"The guy is Kelvin and he's Alex's fiancé."

"And she doesn't mind?"

"Should she?"

"Alright. Maybe I'll invite him over to my apartment, we can bond over Fifa or something."

"That will be very nice of you."

"I'm doing this for you."

"Who else would you be doing it for?"

"Good question."

"Let's get out of here, it's getting cold," I said as the breeze hit me. We stood and I folded the blanket.

"Climb on my back," Akin said.

"Why would I do that?"

"C'mon, it's no big deal. That's the way my sister leaves the beach, on my back."

"And you called me having a male best friend weird. What do you call this?"


"Sure is."

I grudgingly climbed on his back and he carried me all the way to the car.

"Was that fun?" Akin asked as my foot touched the ground.

"It's unusual, but it was fun." A fun I wasn't going to be repeating because of how weird I found it.

"Told you."

"Does this make me your younger sister also?"

"If you want the position, I'm currently recruiting." He opened his boot and I dropped the blanket and the bag holding the cereal into it.

"Everyone I know is weird," I admitted out loud. I went around and got into the car.

When Akin dropped me in front of my building, I saw Seye at my doorstep.

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