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AS I entered the office that morning, I saw Gwyneth standing by my desk. What now? My heart was thumping really hard. I didn't have the time for her shenanigans.

"Can I help you?" I asked. I wasn't in the mood for her sharp tongue.

"Yes. I have a problem with a software program and someone said you could help. Can you?" Gwyneth asked.

"Why don't you take it to one of the other engineers? I'm swamped." I dropped my briefcase on my desk and sat in the chair. I opened my drawer and got out a large stack of file, banging it as I dropped it on the desk. I needed her to know just how busy I was.

"They are all busy."

Just my luck. "Okay. What program?" I looked up at her.

Gwyneth opened her laptop on my desk and showed me the problem. I put her through the process quickly and dusted my hands as I stood from my chair.

"Thanks," she said.

I wasn't fooled by the attitude she was displaying. "You're welcome."

I got to work as Gwyneth left and took a break to order Kelvin a box of cupcakes to celebrate his engagement. It was a celebration, I could as well start treating it as such. Kelvin was kind enough to bring some to me during lunch break.

"That was nice of you."

He found a chair filled with books and cleared it before sitting. "Anything for my best friend."

I wasn't thrilled that he was engaged or getting married soon but I could pretend. I peeled the paper off one the cupcakes and took a huge bite. I noticed Kelvin looking at me and I grinned.

"You're such a cutie."

He wiped the icing off my mouth and I tried to make nothing out of the gesture. Those were the little things that got me in my current situation, making a big deal out of his kindness and taking it as meaning more. I gave him one from mine and watched him eat. My brain was turning to mush as his teeth bit in the cupcake, his tongue dashed out to lick the icing off his lips and I got aroused. I grounded my teeth in frustration.

"Did you save some for Alex?" I asked, trying to concentrate and saying his fiancé's name helped pull me out of my nasty imaginations.

"What kind of future husband would I be if I didn't? I called her to tell her about it and she wanted some."


"Any new project?"

"Not really. I'm trying to finish something the boss was too busy to do."

"You know, you look good...healthy. Your face is glowing."

I touched my face unconsciously. "It's from all the vegetables and fruits I'm eating," I said feeling flustered.

Kelvin dragged his chair closer to mine and rested his arm on my desk. His perfume assaulted my nostrils and I breathed it in, loving the smell that clung to him. I saw his lips moving but I was too focused noticing the little details on his face, like the tiny blackhead on his nose, the cupid bow and the thick eyelashes that had the perfect curl. Why would God give a man all of this? It was too much for one person. I regained focus when I noticed his lips had stopped moving and his eyes were boring into mine.

"What did you say?" I asked, hoping he hadn't noticed how hard I had been staring.

"Never mind, you were in your own universe. Are you okay?" He was looking at me thoroughly.

"Yea, I'm fine." I licked my suddenly dry lips.

"Are you taking your medication?"

"I'm off my anti-depressant. I'm only taking supplements."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"It's no big deal. My therapist thinks I don't need it anymore."

"But you were staring into space just now."

That was because I was distracted by your face. "That doesn't mean I'm depressed, I was just distracted with work."

"Why do you do the most work in this office? I don't get it."

"You know very well that isn't true."

"I beg to differ."

"Let it go."

"Alright boss, I should get going."

"Thanks for keeping me company."

"See you later." Kelvin walked to the other side of the office and I watched him go.

If I let the thought of him distract me again, I might not have a job anymore. I needed to start billing him for the hours I spent thinking about him. I turned to my computer and tried to focus on work.

I TOOK FOUR weeks off from work when the appointment for my surgery got closer which my boss grudgingly granted. He couldn't object since I hadn't been on leave for two solid years, apart from a two-week sick leave. I promised to work from home and that eased him up a bit. I stocked my fridge at home with so much food and also got loads of books and movies because I knew I was going to be all by myself, and I didn't want to get bored during my recovery stage.

I got anxious as the day grew closer. Kelvin took two days off from work which I specifically told him not to. I told him I could handle myself but he persisted, so I gave in and accepted his help. He drove me to the hospital when the day arrived, and we sat in the waiting room for the doctor. He held my hands and I gripped his tightly.

"What's our mantra again?" he asked.

"Everything is going to be just fine," I replied while trying not to roll my eyes.

"Everything is going to be just fine," he repeated.

"So cliché. How does that help?"

"Don't get pessimistic with me."

"My body is going to be cut and sown, it's frightening. I have a valid reason for being pessimistic."

"Think about the end result, just envision the outcome. That should make you feel better if nothing else does."

"I hate hospitals."

"I know. We could leave if you don't want to go through with it."

"That's not an option, it can't be so bad." I tried reassuring myself.

"Calm down."

"I think I'm having headache."

"Now you're freaking me out," Kelvin said. He was looking at me to see if I was okay.

"No, no...I didn't mean to scare you. It's just nerves, why haven't I been called in? What's taking so long?" I was called in as soon as the words left my mouth and Kelvin took me into his arms. "See you tomorrow," I said while still wrapped in his arms.

"Tomorrow? You're not leaving today?" Kelvin looked at me in surprise, ending the hug.

"I'm staying overnight. Doctor's order."

"I didn't know that, I'll be the first person you'll see tomorrow then. Do you want anything? Is there something I can get you when coming?"

"You can come with Seye, I like her."

"I'll bring her if she's willing to come. She can be very unpredictable."

"Pray for me." I was normally not that religious but I asked anyway.

"I will," Kelvin said before leaving.

I went with the nurse to the operating room, changed into a hospital gown then I laid down on the pristine bed. I tried my hardest to stop myself from running out of the door. My heartbeat was racing and I hoped they dressed the cuts well, if I so much as saw a drop of blood on me, I could pass out. I hated the sight of blood and couldn't bring myself to stand it.

A TIME TO HEALWhere stories live. Discover now