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BY MONDAY morning, I drove towards Kelvin's house. He got into the car immediately he saw me, it looked like he had been waiting for a while. I tried not to make eye contact, and he remained silent throughout the ride.

I spoke out when I couldn't take the awkwardness any longer. "About the other night—"

"Forget it, you said you thought it wasn't me. As far as I'm concerned, it wasn't me and it never happened," he cut in.

"If that makes you feel better, we'll go with it." We were sweeping it under the rug, fine by me.


We got closer to the office and he got out of the car when I found a space to park.

"See you at lunch," he said and went towards the office building.

I groaned out in frustration and left the car walking behind him. We could just communicate like regular humans. I paused to wave at Dwayne and went into the elevator.

During lunch, I sat at my desk and typed furiously on the computer while simultaneously popping some berries into my mouth. I flexed my fingers and yawned, then went back to typing. Kelvin came around and I cleared some part of the desk for him to park his ass. The extra seat was back to its rightful place.

"I thought you were coming for lunch," he said.

"I don't want to yet. I really can't stand the crowd at the cafeteria, it always feels like they're watching me, judging me or worse hating me."

"So you're going to sit by your desk everyday just because you created that scenario in your head. I thought you only felt that way because you were overweight."

"I'm still adjusting, Kelvin." I shifted my chair backward to put more space between us. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"Why would you think that?"

"The way you left the car this morning, like you wanted to be far away from me."

"Are you throwing a fit? I had to do something in the office, everything is not about you."

"I know everything isn't about me, I thought it was becau--"

"So what were you working on before I interrupted?" he interrupted.

He didn't want the topic brought up, how were we going to move on if we never resolved what happened. I didn't know what to make of him anymore so I launched into an explanation of what I was working on. As I went on and on, I noticed he was pretending to doze off so I pinched his thighs. He yelped in pain.

"Serves you right, why ask if you won't listen?"

He shrugged. "Remind me never to ask you about computers or a project ever again. You make it seem like a pet or a friend, it's just work."

"It's not just work," I retorted. "And I've seen you working. You're obsessed so stop making it seem like I'm the only geek in this circle."

"Well, you're the only geek in this circle. I like what I do, but I don't eat and breathe it. I give time for other things, I socialize, I live."

"Whatever." My phone rang and I saw an unsaved number, I answered, "Hello?"

Kelvin gave me a curious look and I shook my head.

"Yea, I'm fine. That's great but I can't make it tonight. Okay, I'll save your number and text you later. Bye."

"Who was that?"

"Alex's friend, the guy from the club."

"The fair one?"

"Did I meet any other person? Yes, the fair one and he was pretty cool. He asked me out tonight but I declined...maybe some other time." I smiled and saved his number.

"I don't like him."

I looked up at Kelvin in surprise. "Why?"

"He was piling you with alcohol and you guys were all touchy. You don't just kiss strangers you meet at the bar, which you did by the way."

"Firstly, he wasn't a stranger I met at the bar, your girlfriend, I mean fiancé invited him. And secondly, who made those rules that you can't kiss whomever you want to kiss?"

He looked taken aback by my reply. "So you wanted to kiss him?"

"That's not the point, and why are we talking about this?"

"I see. I'm just looking out for you, I don't want anyone taking advantage of you."

"I can handle myself."

"Good, and that's my cue to leave. I'll see you later."


Kelvin left and I went back to work without giving his opinion a second thought. Around closing hour, I got a beep from my phone and saw a chat from Akin. I opened his profile picture to check if I wasn't dreaming his face last night and I saw an automobile picture instead. Boys, I muttered. I replied his text and we chatted back and forth.

I learnt he owned his own real estate firm, which was impressive. He talked mostly about himself, but I didn't mind. I got carried away by the chat and didn't realize how long I'd been at it until I saw Kelvin strolling towards me.

"I thought something was wrong, I was waiting for you by the car but you never came out," he said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was chatting and got distracted."

"So can we go now?"

"Yes. I need to just pack my things." I got some files and added them to my briefcase.

"I'm waiting. I have a cinema date with Alex later, do you want to come?"

"Nah, I'll leave you two to it. I'm ready," I said as I got all my things stuffed into my briefcase.

We went to the car park and I gave Kelvin the keys to drive.

"No speeding, buddy," I warned.

"You are no fun."

"Shall we?" I strapped my seat belt and he drove off.

We found ourselves singing horribly along to the song on the radio. Our eyes met as we stopped at a traffic light and I was so entrapped by his look that I couldn't break the connection. I licked my suddenly dried lips and almost regretted doing so as I watched his breathing quickened. My heart was threatening to burst out of my chest and my fingers itched to run themselves all over his face.

"This is stupid," Kelvin said as his face moved closer to mine.

"Right," I replied breathlessly as I almost met his lips with mine.

A car honked behind us and I fell back into my seat. I heard Kelvin cursing as he drove. I didn't want to think about what almost happened. I was drunk the last time but I wasn't this time, this shouldn't be happening. I didn't know what was happening to me, my body felt foreign because I was so horny. After experiencing the pleasure Kelvin could give to it, it betrayed me every time I got close to him.

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