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I was itching to get my ass out of the seat and go home to a warm bath. But I couldn't sneak out discreetly even if I wanted to, my seat was in the front row. I uncrossed my legs and watched as models after models took the runway. I jotted the description in my notepad when a pink, monochrome outfit caught my fancy.

As a celebrity stylist, I attended several fashion shows to select outfits and designs for my clients. This show in particular was boring me out of my damn mind, out of the almost fifty outfits showcased only two looked promising. I could damn the consequences and make my escape, but I considered the designer's feelings and decided to stay put until the end of the show.

The show came to an end after thirty more torturous minutes, and I took a cab to the after party. After parties were usually not a problem with me since I got to meet new people and when I was extremely lucky, I met new clients. I mingled with some female models and drank. There was an overflow of liquor and I indulged, I wasn't one to turn down free booze. Never.

As I took a swallow of my drink, I heard people cheering behind me. I turned my head to the entrance where the noise was coming from and a couple walked in. I watched as several people tried to take selfies with them before their security guards broke them away from their overzealous fans. I was still watching when they walked through the crowd towards me, they must have spotted me easily amongst the crowd. The room was full of people but not so many that it was stuffy and the blazing lights hanging overhead didn't make it easy to hide or go unnoticed. I prepared myself mentally for the fake conversation I knew would follow.

"Hello, Jade. It's so nice to see you." She looked at the man beside her who was my ex-husband, Kola and asked, "Kola, didn't I tell you she would be here?"

Cynthia was Kola's new wife, and she looked impressive in a pair of white, wide leg pants and black body suit. Her hair was pulled up in a slick ponytail, and I unconsciously touched the wild hair that was falling over my face. If I knew I was going to run into her I would have changed out of my purple, skirt suit into something less formal and more elegant.

"Yes, you did," Kola replied in that raspy voice of his that could magically peel off the panties of any breathing female if she wasn't careful.

He was wearing a well-tailored, tan suit that complemented his honey colored complexion. They looked like power couples standing next to each other.

I met Kola in my final year in university and we'd become inseparable. After graduation, he'd gotten a record deal from a popular record label and it had been a big deal. So big a deal that I had to throw a hasty party with friends and few family members in attendance. When the big question was popped at the beginning of the party, I'd been excited to say 'yes' to starting a journey with someone I considered my best friend.

Now he was married to his latest play thing. Girls were games to him as I recalled him telling me, and as much as it pained me to admit to it, he'd played me also. I used to think we were a strong team, that we would stand the test of time. But when Kola noticed he wasn't getting hits from his music due to being shelved, he started going out with his label manager's, model daughter.

I was too in love to see anything suspicious in their relationship when he told me he was friends with her. I simply assumed he was doing it to gain favor with her father until he sent me a divorce letter some months after. It was a low blow and I still found it unbelievable, there were several things he could have done to elevate himself but he chose to do that. He even had the effrontery to tell me he was only looking out for himself when they finally got married. I was hurt, but I was used to being the bigger person to disrupt their wedding ceremony when it took place on my birthday. I grudgingly sent them a wedding gift not to appear childish and wished them well.

Kola got the exposure he desired and was now a big star in the music industry. His face was always plastered across tabloids and blogs, and I saw him occasionally in fashion shows. We avoided each other like plaques on most occasions but this time, his wife was with him and she changed everything. I wished there was still time for me to hide though, I wasn't in the mood to be triggered.

"How are you?" Cynthia asked.

She was always so nice to me and I never once blamed her for my failed marriage. Kola was the gold digger and it was obvious that she had plenty to be dug from. I sometimes felt protective towards her, and most times when I thought of them, I wished I could somehow tell her how undeserving of her love Kola was. I didn't see him changing and I could definitely see him leaving her also for someone richer if it meant more success in his career.

"I'm great, can I get you a drink?" I asked pleasantly.

"Don't bother," Cynthia said smiling. She rubbed her still flat tummy and my eyes grew big.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said as understanding dawned on me.

"Isn't it great? We are expecting, and there's going to be a little one soon." Cynthia kissed Kola and they shared an intimate look.

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you."

I pulled a muscle trying to give a smile that wouldn't form. I couldn't believe Kola got her pregnant few years after their marriage. Kola had been so against kids when we were together and insisted I used contraceptive pills. As the gullible girl in love, I did what my sweet husband said and never missed a day of the medication.

Kola must have read my expression because he said, "There was a time I never wanted kids, but I guess with the right woman things change."

What? It took all the strength I had in me to stop myself from slapping the smug smile off of his face, I was that furious at his jab. How did I ever fall in love with someone so sleazy and immature? Love truly was blind. Cynthia was apparently oblivious to her husband's little jab, because she kept grinning like someone who just won the lottery.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to get a drink," I said before I did something stupid.

"Of course, we'll catch up later," Cynthia said warmly.

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