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I WAS on my way to the cosmetic surgeon, alone as I wished and Kelvin was on a weekend trip with his girlfriend. Apparently, he took my advice and things were well again between he and his girlfriend. When I saw a sign with the hospital name on it, I found a space to park my car. I went through the entrance and walked towards the receptionist, she looked up from the computer and welcomed me with a bright smile. I talked to her about my visit and she gave me some pamphlets to study while I waited in a waiting area for the specialist.

The hospital looked identical to the last one I saw. White walls, the choking smell of disinfectant in the air and a solemn look on people's faces as they waited around. I waited for nearly an hour before I was told to go into the doctor's office. I closed the door behind me and saw the doctor washing his hands at a nearby sink.

I sat in one of the chairs in front of a brown desk and checked my phone for any message to pass time while waiting for the doctor. I got several pictures from Kelvin from his trip, he looked so handsome that my mouth watered, his face was to the sun and it shined like glazed donuts. I turned my phone off as I noticed the doctor striding towards the chair across from mine. I looked up at him as he sat and he looked no less than fifty with a slightly wrinkled face and a wide nose. He had the paternal look and I knew I could trust him with my problems.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Adedapo. Nice to meet you," the Doctor said, sitting in the chair facing me.

"And I'm Fatimah."

"So tell me, what can I do for you?" he asked without wasting time. He opened a fresh page from his note pad and waited.

"Well, I lost a great amount of weight recently and I have loose skin all over my body. I was obese for a long time and later had an eating disorder, but I got help and saw a doctor then went to a gym. I changed my lifestyle completely, turning my life around and I saw positive results. I feel great with my accomplishments, but I don't feel as happy as I should because of the excess skin and folds in virtually every part of my body."

"Okay, that's natural. We'll see what we can do about the excess skin." He noted something down in the pad. "You have to take your clothes off so I can examine the areas we need to work on."


He gave me a hospital garb and directed me to the examining room. He said he was going to join me in a few minutes, and I took off my clothes and left my panties on as I changed into the light blue, papery garb. The doctor entered as I settled down on the bench behind me.

"Let's see what we have here," he said.

I opened the gown and he instructed me to stand with my feet wide apart and arms stretched. He poked and prodded me as he circled my body taking note of things. After what felt like an eternity he told me to get dressed and join him again in his office. I wore my own clothes and discarded the garb in a nearby bin before I went back to his office.

"I'm going to ask you few questions." He said as I sat in the chair I had just recently occupied. "Are you committed to a proper nutrition and fitness?" he asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Do you smoke?"

"I do not."

"Are you planning on getting pregnant soon?"

I shook my head vehemently. "I'm not."

"If you are, it's more advisable for you to wait after childbirth."

"I'm not," I said firmly.

"I have to warn you, there's a small chance of you getting scar tissue, abnormal scars, infection or formation of aeroma. That's a lump that results from fluid buildup after the surgery. I'm mandated to tell you all this so you can think about the downside as well as the upside before deciding."


"The procedure you'll be having is known as body contouring, you're going to have a tummy tuck, breast lift, arm lift and buttock augmentation. These are the areas you have excess skin which you have noticed for yourself. We're going to remove the excess skin, lift and tighten those areas. You have to understand that there will be little scarring but they will be well hidden."


"Body lifting can dramatically change your life since you'll look different, I mean very different. The results are permanent and long lasting if you keep your weight stable."

"I hear you." I chewed my lips in concentration.

"You may need a follow up cosmetic procedure depending on the outcome of the surgery."


"You talked about once having an eating disorder, do you have a therapist I can talk to?"

"Yes, I do."

"There are some things I need to ask them."

"No problem."

"Good, here is a form." He passed me a form and I glanced at it. "There are many more questions you have to fill, if you're currently taking any medication make sure you write it down. I'll need the contact of your therapist."

"I'll write that down, do I have to fill this form now?" I asked, raising the form high a little.

"No, but you need to bring it along with you when you're coming in for the procedure. Do you have any questions at all?"

"I don't, you've touched everything."

"Just in case something comes up and you need to ask questions concerning the procedure, the hospital number is at the top of the form you've been given. You can call or send a text, your calls will be directed to me if you require my attention and I'll answer any of your questions."

"Thank you."

"See the receptionist before you leave, I'll tell her to take your therapist's contact and she'll give you the cost of the procedure."


"You're welcome."

I left the doctor's office and met with the receptionist who gave me the total cost of the procedure. I got a brochure with instructions on what to eat and do few days before my scheduled appointment.

I left the hospital and drove home. I couldn't enjoy the scenery, my mind was occupied as I heard the doctor's explanation in my head. I normally wouldn't subject myself to that kind of activity but I was desperate. I just wanted a normal life with firm skin.

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