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        ELEANOR hurriedly shoves her keys in her bag as she runs for the bus stop, she fixes her hair and holds a little mirror on her hand to check her makeup

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      ELEANOR hurriedly shoves her keys in her bag as she runs for the bus stop, she fixes her hair and holds a little mirror on her hand to check her makeup. The bus finally arrives, she immediately enters, shoving her mirror in her bag.

Her eyes trailed over the seats, checking if there's still some place for her to sit. She notices one and sits unhesitatingly. The brunette girl checks her phone as her eyes widened right after she realizes that she's almost late for class. She anxiously looks around the bus to see if there's any students from Midtown who is running late just like her to make herself feel better, she felt relieved right after she spots one girl who's in the same class as her.

The time she arrived in school, she ran her way in the hallways to get to her locker in time, she spots Flash Thompson who is currently making fun of someone, Eleanor rolls her eyes and gives Flash a look. He immediately stopped and walked away.

"You're almost late." A voice behind her said, as she turns around to see who it was.

Liz Allan crosses her arms in front of her and gives her a playful smirk, Eleanor raises a brow.

"But I'm here now." She replies, raising both of her arms, Liz chuckles as she walks in front, giving Eleanor a sign to follow her.

The two popular girls are walking in the hallway, Liz was talking something about homecoming while Eleanor tries hard to pay attention to what she's saying. They were later joined by their two other best friends, Ornella Hayford and Mabel Buckley. They were all talking and getting excited for homecoming when Eleanor suddenly notices a curly brown haired boy standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at them. Her head turns around to look at him and finds Peter Parker with a bright face standing with Ned Leeds, staring straight at her best friend, Liz.

Eleanor clears her throat, takes a step forward at the boy, "What are you staring at?" She asks, getting annoyed at the presence of him. Peter seems surprised since no one ever sees him by any popular girl. Eleanor seems surprised to herself too, she never really mind any people staring at them since they're the most popular group of girls in the school but she doesn't comprehend why she seems bothered by Peter's stare.

"I wasn't staring at you, sorry." Peter replies, looking at her, straight in her eyes. Eleanor gulps, looks back at him and crosses her arms.

"Look, I know you have a crush on Liz and I'm not surprised but it's creepy and annoying so maybe quit it." She snaps and leaves Peter standing in the middle of the hallway, startled.

Eleanor nervously walks away, feeling bad she did that to an innocent boy who was just having a crush on her best friend from afar, she tries to figure out why she did it but she still doesn't understand why, she drops it and looks at Peter one more time.

He was still staring at Liz Allan.

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