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      ELEANOR stares at her phone while biting her lip, tapping her thumb, stressing about a simple notification from a stupid boy who she USED to like

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      ELEANOR stares at her phone while biting her lip, tapping her thumb, stressing about a simple notification from a stupid boy who she USED to like. The girl has been thinking about Peter Parker following her all night and now she's awake, an hour early from her alarm clock. She rubs her tired eyes, removing her blanket away from her petite body.

Eleanor finally hears her alarm going off as she quickly turns it off while she slowly gets up to prepare her outfit. She takes out a black shirt with a dark green varsity jacket over it and matching it with some black jeans she bought in the local thrift store.

The teenage girl styles her hair in a french braid, putting some light makeup since she's not in a mood for an effort to do the perfect makeup.

She stops as she stares in the mirror while her thoughts about Peter interrupted her while she was trying to get ready. Peter's voice started ringing in her ears.

"I don't even know why you're friends with Liz, when she's the nicest and you're the complete opposite."

She closed her eyes and started catching her breath. The girl stares at herself in the mirror and started feeling angry.

Once arrived in school, Eleanor walks in with a bad mood. She didn't wanna talk to anyone at the moment and decided to just walk her way to her locker immediately. The girl decided not to follow Peter Parker back on Twitter.

Speaking of him, she spots the curly brown haired boy in the corner of her eyes. She glares at him and Peter immediately caught her eye. Eleanor looks away as she slams her locker closed, walking away from the hallways.

Entering the Decathlon practice, she sat between Mabel and Ornella while Michelle is too busy organizing her flash cards.

"Just ask her!" Mabel hisses at Ornella, Eleanor raises her brow at the pair and rests her chin in her palm.

"Ask who what?" Eleanor curiously asks which made Ornella react with her wide eyes.

"Tell her, O." Mabel teases as their best friend sighs, fidgeting her fingers.

"I wanna ask someone out, but I don't know if they'll say yes." Ornella answers with a scared expression on her face. Eleanor smirks teasingly, nudging her best friend.

"Well you'll never know if you don't try it. Life is about taking risks, Ornella." Eleanor advices her best friend as she took a deep breath and started walking towards Michelle.

Eleanor and Mabel watched her with wide eyes, they looked each other for a brief second then looked at the pair to see what happens next.

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