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    ELEANOR STARES AT HERSELF in the mirror, convincing herself that she looks good

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ELEANOR STARES AT HERSELF in the mirror, convincing herself that she looks good. She stares at her lips with red lipstick on and to her hair which is in half up and half down style as she fixed her black choker. The nervous girl adjusted her black high low dress and started putting her heels.

Although Eleanor is excited for homecoming, she still feels a pang in her chest after the encounter with the famous Peter Parker happened. She sighs, closing her eyes in order to get the boy of out of her mind but she failed and groaned letting herself feel the guilt.

"I'm going to apologize to him, this is not helping at all." The girl mutters to herself while grabbing her purse as she makes her way outside her room.

Ron, her father, has the biggest smile on his face right after his eyes landed on his daughter.
"Your mother would be so happy to see you like this." He says in awe, hugging Eleanor.

Eleanor sees his father tear up as she laughed, playfully slapping her father's shoulder. "Don't be so dramatic dad! You're going to make me cry and that would ruin my makeup." She pouts, "It took me two hours to do this." Ron laughs attempting to ruffle the girl's hair until she suddenly stopped it and playfully glares at him.

A knock interrupted the two's conversation, Ron quickly opens it, revealing Ornella with a pink layered dress and Mabel with a dark blue wrap dress.

"Your dates are here!" Ornella happily greets Eleanor with a hug as Mabel did the same thing, Ron walks the three girls into his car.

"Where's Liz?" Eleanor asks out of curiosity while putting her seatbelt on.

"She's going with Peter, remember?" Mabel replied with a teasing voice which the girl didn't notice, she nodded as if it doesn't affect her at all.

Her mind wanders about Peter again, thinking about how she should apologize to him. She's been an asshole to him these past few days and he has the every right to be mad at her. This time she'll forget about her feelings for him just to leave him and Liz to be happy together.

The girl imagined a scenario of her apologizing to him in the most sincere way and kept on thinking of what could be his reaction, she hadn't realized that she was zoning off while her two best friends were having a funny conversation with her father.

"Earth to Eleanor!" Ornella whispers in her ear before she blew in her hair. Eleanor pushes her away, as they all bursted out laughing.

The girls waved Ron good bye as Mabel clings her arm in Eleanor's, "You know, since after I mentioned Peter's name, you've been zoning out way too much." She raises her brow, Eleanor looks at her, pretending to be confused.

"What are you trying to say?" Mabel chuckles, playfully pushing her hip.

"You think I'm dumb?" Eleanor nods, Mabel rolls her eyes.

"Whatever you're thinking, is wrong. I don't have feelings for Peter Parker." Mabel laughs as she eyes the girl.

"I never said anything about you having feelings for Parker." Eleanor groans, looking at Ornella for help, "But that's what you're trying to say!" She shouts in frustration, she doesn't need her friends finding out about her feelings for him.

"Trying to say what?" A voice behind Eleanor said, the brunette quickly turns around, only to reveal Liz with a dark pink dress, smirking at her.

"Liz, you look gorgeous!" Ornella complimented as Liz blushed, "Thanks! You guys look so beautiful!" The girls laughed as Eleanor looks behind Liz, to find a certain someone.

"Where's your date?" Eleanor asks out of nowhere, Mabel snorts.

"Oh, Peter is still in my car, my dad is trying to scare him." She laughs, Eleanor smiles as her eyes fell into Liz' dad's car. She can only see Liz' dad's back but nothing else due to her bad vision.

"Let's go inside?" Liz says in excitement, music welcomed them right after they entered the gym school, Eleanor looks around as she spots Michelle Jones in a yellow dress with Ned Leeds with his suit and his famous cowboy hat.

Michelle spots the clique, she smiles and nods at them as Eleanor approached them for a moment.

"You look pretty, MJ." Eleanor compliments as Michelle smiled.

"Thanks, you look beautiful as well, cute makeup." Eleanor smiles at her compliment and says a thank you. She turns her attention to Ned who's currently smiling at her, she smiles back as she pats his hat.

Michelle crosses her arms, laughing at Ned. Eleanor smiles and decides to compliment him while repeatedly patting his hat, "You look good, Leeds!" She shouts as the music gets louder Ned screams a thank you.

Michelle laughed before she waves at someone in the door and pulls out the middle finger right after. Eleanor furrows her brows in confusion as she looks at the door, revealing a Peter Parker with a stressed and more scared expression on his face.

Eleanor looks at him in confusion while he walks slowly inside, she glances at his outfit as she gulps at how cute he looks with a suit on.

Cute dumbass boy, I can't believe that I'm so whipped for you.

She breaks her intense stare at a boy, glancing at Liz who was happily looking at Peter, Eleanor crosses her arms, patiently waiting for their conversation to end so she can apologize to him right after.

Eleanor can feel her heart race as she sees Peter talking to Liz.

He's not even talking to me, why am I the one who's reacting?

She watches the two having a conversation, the girl still remains confused on why Peter looks so scared. She watched how Liz' smile starts to fade, looking at him confusingly.

Then the worst thing that can ever happen to Liz tonight, Peter Parker ran away. Eleanor's eyes follows the boy as she shouts for him,

"Peter!" Eleanor screams repeatedly but he didn't stop. She decided to stop just to look to Liz.

Only to see her with a heartbroken face.

i'm honestly so excited to finish this book, i have so many new stories ideas it's crazy

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