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ELEANOR WALKS AROUND with a smile in the hallways

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ELEANOR WALKS AROUND with a smile in the hallways. She greeted every single person she knows in the hallways, she even greeted Flash Thompson with a fake smile of hers.

"What's gotten into you?" Mabel asked with a teasing voice.

Eleanor rolls her eyes playfully, "Am I not allowed to be in a good mood?"

Mabel shrugs with a smile on her face, her look immediately darts at Ornella holding Michelle's hands while walking towards them, The two best friends shoots them a goofy grin.

"Best couple of the year goes to y'all!" Mabel teases the couple as Michelle nudges her shoulders into hers.

Eleanor smiles at them until she noticed Peter walking with Ned in the hallways, laughing with him. His eyes meets hers and the both of them felt a lump in their throats, Eleanor looks away.

Peter frowns and looked away as well, Michelle noticed Eleanor's sudden change of mood and smirks knowing exactly why.

Peter walks into his class with a heavy feeling on his chest, he has been feeling guilty after his encounter with Eleanor on the rooftop. Hearing her problem about her father bothers him since he thinks she hates her and he shouldn't have known about it.

He sits on a chair beside Michelle Jones who's currently sketching someone new who's on crisis. Ned Leeds sits beside him and begins to open his math textbook.

Peter didn't listen to his math teacher the whole class, he never does. His mind is usually occupied on Spider-Man duties but this time it's occupied by someone who he never thought he'd think about, Eleanor Wakefield.

Just something about her that night that surprised him, he saw the Eleanor he used to know. The one who he used to be friends with. Michelle secretly kicks his chair to show him something.

Peter glanced at her just to see her holding her sketch of himself, his palm underneath his chin with a cloud formed above his head.

"Who are you thinking about? So I can draw it inside the cloud." Michelle teased, Peter rolls his eyes.

"Bold for you to assume that I'm thinking about someone." Peter clapped back.

"I didn't assume, Parker. I just know." The dark skinned girl teased again.

"Well you're wrong." Michelle scoffs, raising her brows at the curly haired boy.

"I'm always right." Michelle chews her gum on the right side of her cheek and continuing sketching Peter. The teenage boy snorts, looking away from her.

"We'll have an important meeting after school, Parker. Please don't miss it." Michelle reminded as Peter nods, mentally putting a reminder for the meeting.

Eleanor entered the library with her arms clinging on Mabel's. She smiles at every single of her teammate.

"Hello, Mabel." Flash stands in front of Mabel, Eleanor looks at him in confusion.

"Go away, Flash." Mabel blushes and walks away from the boy. Eleanor looks at her best friend then looks back at Flash.

"You guys... have a thing?" Mabel looks at her like she was crazy.

"Why would you ask that?" Eleanor smiles in a teasing way.

"Why wouldn't I?" Mabel rolls her eyes and glares at her.

Eleanor raises her hand in surrender, "Fine, I won't force you to tell me. But I'm your best friend, you can always tell me if you have a thing with him."

Mabel smiles and nods, "I do like him. Are you happy now?"

Eleanor's jaw dropped, the girl didn't expect her to drop it like that, "You do?"

Mabel nods then faced her, "Now tell me, you have a thing with Peter Parker."

The brunette's smile dropped. She just looks at her, unable to answer her best friend's simple question.

"I-I don't know." She answered, completely lying to herself and to her best friend. Eleanor knows she has feelings for the boy, but she would always deny it since she felt like she's betraying her best friend, Liz Allan.

"How come?" Eleanor sighs at her question.

"I feel like I'm betraying Liz." She replied truthfully, playing with her fingers.

"You should talk to her then. After all, she's your best friend." Eleanor nods and considers Mabel's suggestion.

The two girls stopped talking by the time Michelle stood up and started speaking up.

"We won this year's Academic Decathlon but that doesn't mean we won't work hard for next year. We'll work harder than we did last year since our goal is to have the back to back champion for this competition. This is why I will put you into teams." The whole team cheers by Michelle's idea. The teenage girl immediately raises her hand to stop the banters of her teammates.

Eleanor's face lit up at her idea, it means she can work with her best friend.

"I will be the one to choose the teams." And when Michelle said that, the whole team groans and the hype died down.

"Yeah, you heard me right. If you work with your friends, there's a big chance you won't take the work seriously." Eleanor frowns, hoping she'll get Ornella or Mabel as her teammate but she knows that it's impossible since Michelle knows who her best friends are.

"Alright, shut up now! I'll say the teams out loud." The team captain clears her throat and started naming the teams, "Mabel Buckley and Flash Thompson."

Flash turns his head to smirk at Mabel, the girl looks away, trying to hide the smile on her face. Eleanor snorts.

"Betty Brant and Ned Leeds." Eleanor can hear her heart racing, waiting for her name.

"Ornella Hayford and Cindy Moon." Eleanor frowns.

"Eleanor Wakefield and Peter Parker." Eleanor felt her heart drop, she felt Mabel's gaze on her. She turned to look at her friend, only to find her smirking teasingly at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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