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     ELEANOR leans in to the school bus with her arms crossed, beside her best friend, Ornella

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ELEANOR leans in to the school bus with her arms crossed, beside her best friend, Ornella. She looks down at her shoes and bites her lips, waiting for her father anxiously. A woman runs in the corner of her eye and hugs a boy, she turns her head to look at her.

And there, she sees May Parker, hugging Peter Parker. She watches his aunt closing her eyes and sighs in relief while hugging her nephew. Eleanor smiles at the view of them, finally reuniting. She felt relieved to know that Peter is safe.

But she still can't avoid feeling annoyed and mad at Peter, disappearing out of nowhere that made her and the whole team, worried for him.

"Eleanor!" She hears her father's call that snapped her out of her thoughts.

Ron hugs his daughter and kisses her head, "Are you okay?" Eleanor nods, tearing up. She remembers what happened up in the monument and there's no way she'll forget about it.

"My heart is still up there." She jokes around, trying to ease her father's worries. Ron smiles and put his arm around the girl's shoulders.

"Let's go home now, shall we? I'll cook your favourite ramen." He insists, kissing his daughter's head. They both walk in her dad's car after she waves goodbye to her best friends. Eleanor looks at Peter one more time just before she went in her father's car.

The time she comes back to school, the only thing the whole school is talking about is how the New York's only vigilante, Spider-Man saved the decathlon team. Eleanor's father even changed his mind about the super hero, thankful he saved his only daughter, the only important thing he have.

Eleanor looks up at the television that was hung up in the hallways, announcing the daily morning announcements. She smiles a little at the mention of Spider-Man. 

"El." Liz calls, Eleanor turns around to look at her.

"Hey, Liz! How are you doing?" The girl asked, hugging her best friend.

"I'm good." Eleanor smiles at her, she walked with her in the hallways as they were joined by their two other best friends.

Eleanor spots Michelle, leaning towards her locker, reading a book. She excused herself from her friends as she approached the girl.

"Michelle." She greets, waving at her. The curly haired girl looks up to her, smiling at her.

"Hey." She greets back, putting her book down.

"You good?" Eleanor asks with concern her voice, she made sure everyone who was affected during what happened in DC, were okay.

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