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ELEANOR WALKS in the auditorium with a tired expression, she looks around to hopefully find her friends since she never liked being alone on a decathlon practice

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ELEANOR WALKS in the auditorium with a tired expression, she looks around to hopefully find her friends since she never liked being alone on a decathlon practice. She spots the team captain, her best friend, Liz Allan. She smiles at the presence of her as she walks in her way. The girl was about to greet Liz when she spots Peter Parker behind her best friend, hesitating whether he should talk to her or not. She rolls her eyes as she decided to greet Liz.

Peter notices the girl, approaching Liz, completely ignoring him, or she probably didn't notice him, he thought. He decides to just talk to Liz after practice, making his way back beside Ned and Michelle.

"Hey, Liz." Liz beams at the sight of Eleanor in front of her but immediately frowns when she sees her expression.

"You should sleep more often, stop using twitter for a night at least." Liz warns in a joking way as Eleanor chuckles, dropping her books beside Ornella's books.

"You sound like my mom." She teases, Liz gives her a sympathetic look. Eleanor looks back at her, raising her brows.

"I'm fine talking about it now, Allan. Geez." Eleanor added to ease the worries of her friend, Liz smiles at her and wraps her arms in her shoulders.

"I'm proud of how you've gotten strong, El." Liz says, with a proud expression on her face, admiring her friend's determination after what she's been through.

Eleanor smiles at her, "Well, you, Ornella and Mabel were all there for me so that's thanks to you guys." Liz hugs her, resting her head in her shoulders.

Eleanor treats Liz as her sister and she wants nothing but the best for her. They've always been there to each other through ups and downs, counting on each other and helping each other out in anything. Eleanor loves her and she will do anything for her to be happy as Liz feels the exact same way.

"Now, let's stop this disgusting affection moment and start this practice." Eleanor cringes as Liz playfully slaps a book in her shoulder.

Liz started asking random teammates with questions on her flash cards, she purposely always call Mabel knowing she didn't practice her cards at all. Mabel glares at Liz, chewing her gum.

The team captain smirks and starts asking her a question, "The printing process in which ink is forced into recessed lines is called?"

Mabel looks at her with a confused expression, "I swear that wasn't in any flash cards you gave us." The whole team laughs, Liz shakes her head waiting for someone to raise their hand.

"Mabel, you're so dumb! What are you even doing in this team?" Flash jokes around as Mabel flinched at his words. Eleanor glares at Flash and gives him a slap in his head.

"It was a joke, Eleanor! She's smarter than me and we all know that! I'm sorry, Mabel." Flash apologizes, feeling guilty about what he said to Mabel.

Mabel nods, looks at her shoes and bites her lip, Eleanor didn't seem convinced so she slaps Flash again.

"Ow, hey! I said I'm sorry! She's smarter than me!" He screams, Eleanor chuckles and said, "Everyone in this team is smarter than you." Flash frowns while the whole team laughs, pointing at Flash.

"I'm joking." Eleanor sarcastically added, looking back at Liz.

"Alright, that's enough. Anyone wanna answer the question?" As soon as she finished her question, Peter quickly raises his hand, Eleanor glances at him.

"Show off." Eleanor thought, looking away from him.

"Peter?" Liz calls, waiting for him to answer. The whole room falls in silence.

"The answer is intaglio." He proudly answers with a smile on his face, Eleanor blinks at him since she has never heard of that word before.

"Very good! Next question, the department of transportation of a city has concluded that the mean number of accidents per day is ten. The mean number of accidents is an example of?" Liz reads the long text in her flashcard as both Eleanor and Peter raises their hands, they looked at each other.

Eleanor gives him an annoyed look, Peter looks back at her with furrowed brows.

"Eleanor?" The team captain calls, Eleanor looks away from him as soon as she heard her name, the girl clears her throat, "The answer is statistical inference." She answers with a big smile on her face, Peter slowly puts his hand down.

"Correct!" Liz smirks and gives her a thumbs up.

And it went on like that for the past decathlon practices, where it's just Eleanor and Peter who answers all of Liz' question and it frustrates the team captain so much.

Until one day, Peter slowly skips decathlon practice from time to time, until it came to the point where he doesn't go anymore. Just once a month, and this annoyed Eleanor a lot.

"How can he still be in this team when he barely walks in practice?" Eleanor furiously asks the team captain. Liz sighs in response, sitting in the table as she rubs her forehead.

"It's not my right to kick him out, El. It's Mr.Harrington's decision." Liz tiredly replies. The girl scoffs in response, resting a hand on the table.

"So, I have to convince Mr.Harrington to kick his ass out of here?" The brunette bickers, Liz gives her a look.

"Look, I'm too tired for this but please don't do that.. that's just unfair for Peter." Liz defends Peter that made Eleanor furious.

"Unfair to him? What about us, Liz? We work our ass off to remain in this team and how about him? Skips decathlon daily but his ass is still in here?" She rants while Liz rolls her eyes, "It's not my fault he's smart."

Eleanor's opens her mouth but immediately closes it when she hears someone walking in. Liz beams at the sight of Peter Parker coming inside, gripping both of the straps of her bag.

"Am I still in the team?" He shyly asks, Eleanor rolls her eyes, "Unfortunately." She murmurs, walking away from the scene. The girl hears a couple of "welcome back"s to him, and she swears she heard Flash says it too.

She decided to confront him after practice, she makes her way into Peter, who is currently shoving his books in his bag. Eleanor clears her throat to get his attention, Peter finally looks up at her and smiles at her.

"Damn it, wipe that smile out of your face or I'll-" She shakes her head to shake the thought of his cute smile, "So look who decided to show up." She speaks ferociously, looking Peter straight in his eyes.

Peter frowns, playing with the paw of his jumper, "Look, I'm sorry I had this internship-"

"For two months straight?" She cuts him off, Peter seems startled, opening his mouth again to finish what he was about to say, "Yes, I had an internship with Tony Stark and had to travel abroad, even Mr.Harrington knows about it." He explains, hoping he convinced her, which he didn't.

Eleanor snorts, "Where did you guys go, Germany?" She jokes around, Peter gulps and attempt to laugh at her joke even though it's true he was in Germany that time.

"I'm not joking around, Peter. This seems so unfair to us, if you don't stop skipping practices, I'll confront Mr.Harrington about this." She snaps, walking away so she wouldn't have to talk to him again.

Peter watches her walk away, blinking at himself, he walks away and made his way back in his locker, Eleanor looks back at him, who was walking away and she sighs, knowing she missed him but will refuse to admit it to herself.

ew this sucked i'm sorry

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