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       ELEANOR yells at her pillow, trying to get the image of Peter Parker yelling at her out of her mind, she gets up from her bed, groaning once more when she hears her alarm clock goes off right after she got up

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       ELEANOR yells at her pillow, trying to get the image of Peter Parker yelling at her out of her mind, she gets up from her bed, groaning once more when she hears her alarm clock goes off right after she got up. The girl walks out of her room with a tired expression, her brown hair all over her face as she puts her towel around her shoulders.

She glances at her living room, checking if her father is still home. When she saw that he wasn't there, she continued walking until she spots a weird badge on the dining table. Eleanor rubs her eyes as she looks closely at the badge.

"S.H.I.E.L.D" She reads it out loud, observing it. She pouts her lip, having no idea what it is. The girl hears her father's steps as she immediately puts it down, putting it back where she found it.

Her father rubs his daughter's hair, making it more messy. Eleanor eyes her father, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Homecoming is just around the corner. Do you have a date yet?" Ron teases, Eleanor pouts and shakes her head.

"I don't, but at least I have a dress." She shrugs, making her way in the bathroom. Ron nods, waving at her before he leaves.

"Hey, dad! What's that badge?" Ron stops on his tracks, slowly turning around to face his daughter.

"I don't know sweetie, we have an investigation about it. Anyways, I have to go." He shrugs it off, kissing Eleanor's forehead.

Eleanor waves him goodbye before she enters the rest room.

"Have you already bought a dress for homecoming?" Mabel asks Eleanor.

Eleanor beams and nods, applying some lipgloss at her lips, "What color is it?" Mabel jumps, excited to hear about her dress.

"It's a surprise." Eleanor pulls her tongue out, Mabel groans, rubbing her forehead.

"El!" Liz calls, hugging the girl from behind. Eleanor raises a brow.

"You have a date for homecoming yet?" She asks, teasing her best friend. Liz pouts as she shakes her head.

"I don't need one anyway." She shrugs, Eleanor agrees, putting her arm around her shoulder.

The girl spots Peter Parker standing in front of his locker, talking to his best friend, Ned Leeds. Eleanor rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath, Peter Parker also spots the girl as well as he makes his way to her.

Eleanor ignores him, walking away from her locker, entering her science class. Peter follows behind as they both entered the empty classroom.

The girl sits on her seat, pretending Peter doesn't exist, the boy tightens his hold on both of the straps of his backpack, looking at Eleanor, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.

"Eleanor, can we talk?" He speaks up, realizing that she would still continue ignoring him even if he stands there forever. Eleanor continued preparing her text books, getting ready for her class.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said yesterday, I was just having a bad day-" Eleanor stands up, cutting him off.

"Save it, Peter. I don't want your half assed apology, I know you meant what you said so please leave me alone." She snaps, glaring angrily at the boy in front of her. Peter seems startled, staring at the girl in front of him.

"No, Eleanor. I didn't mean to-"

"I said, save it." Eleanor hissed as she sits back down, opening her text book. Peter sighs, still looking at the girl.

"I know you don't want my apology but just to let you know that I do feel guilty about what I said. I'm sorry that I took all my anger out on you that made me said some hurtful words." Peter explains, Eleanor glares at him.

The brunette didn't say anything, the pair just looked at each other for a few seconds before some people started to walk in, Peter clears his throat, making his way back to his seat. Eleanor takes a deep breath, closing her eyes to keep Peter out of her mind.

The day went fast, Eleanor seemed to be thinking about her interaction with Peter the whole day, she enters the auditorium as she was stopped by Betty Brant, who hands her a flyer for homecoming, she groans, staring at the flyer.

"What's wrong? I thought you were excited for homecoming? Is it because of the flyer? Ugh, I should have put it in a different font." Liz rambled, standing beside Eleanor. The girl glanced at her, trying hard not to laugh.

"No, it's perfect! It's just I had a horrible day." Eleanor sighs, looking around the auditorium. She watches the theatre club rehearsing for their upcoming show, her eyes following their movements.

"What happened?" Liz curiously asked while handing out some flyers to people who were entering the auditorium. Eleanor gulps, taking a bunch of copies to help Liz give out the flyers.

"I don't know I just- I just feel like something bad is gonna happen or I'm probably just overreacting." Eleanor didn't lie, the girl feels like something is off this day.

"Don't think about it too much, I'm sure everything will be just fine, El." Liz comforts her best friend, smiling at her. Eleanor nods, smiling back at her best friend.

"Found a date for homecoming yet?" Eleanor tries to change the subject so she won't have to think about it. A blush crept on Liz' face, smiling at a student who accepted the flyer she was handing.

"Yes, I actually do have a date now." She answers shyly, Eleanor gasped, ready to listen to her best friend's story about getting a prom proposal.

"Who is it?" Eleanor seems excited to know about it since her best friend never had any experience with anyone before and never dated anyone.

"Drum roll, please!" Liz teases, Eleanor rolls her eyes as she used the table as the drum. She taps on it lightly, waiting for her best friend's reveal.

"It's Peter Parker."

"Oh." Eleanor thought, her jaw drops as she stopped tapping. Liz frowns at her expression, wondering what she's thinking about.

"Look, I know you don't like him but I do and-" Eleanor cuts her off politely,

"I don't mind, Liz. It doesn't bother me." She lies, reassuring her.

Liz nods, awkward silence falls between them.

i hate the fact that we're about to get the title of a4 from mark ruffalo for his guesting in fallon but guess what???? they bleeped it out. i'm so annoyed UGH I HATE MARVEL
and btw i'm sorry if i'm bad at ending chapters :(

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