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      A BROKEN HEART, Eleanor Wakefield wakes up with a heavy heart

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A BROKEN HEART, Eleanor Wakefield wakes up with a heavy heart. She found out about what happened to Liz' dad and now her best friend is moving away. The brunette girl feels numb as she stares herself in the mirror, with her eye bags showing. She looks down to see a framed picture of her and Liz, dressing up as Iron Man and Captain America. Eleanor dressed up as Tony Stark while Liz was Steve Rogers for halloween. She runs her fingers to the framed picture as she glances at another framed picture of her, Liz, Ornella and Mabel, arm in arm after they won a spelling bee together.

A tear escapes from Eleanor's eye. She quickly wiped it away as she starts putting some make up on.

The girl leaves her room with a tired expression, Ron looks at her with a sad smile as he puts a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way.

"Everything will be alright, kid. Trust me." He comforts her as she nods, feeling awkward since her father basically arrested her best friend's father.

"I'm sorry you had to feel this way. I'm sorry I had to-" Eleanor cuts her father off with a reassuring smile.

"You did the right thing, dad. I'm proud of you." She says, a tear rolling from her eye as she feels the heavy feeling in her chest again.

Ron smiles at her and hugged her, he drove Eleanor to Midtown as he talks to Liz' mother.

Eleanor sees Liz talking to Peter Parker with tears on her eyes. Her heart skips a beat as she feels the heavy feeling on her chest again. Does she have to lose her best friend too?

She sees the pair having a conversation while she patiently waits for them to finish. Liz walks away and stops on her tracks when she sees Eleanor looking at her.

She smiles sadly as she hugs her best friend. Eleanor sobs in Liz' arms as she hold tightly.

"I'm not mad at your dad, by the way." Liz reveals as she pulls out from the hug. Eleanor nods with a smile, wiping her tears away.

"He did the right thing." She sighs, looking down at her feet like she's ashamed.

Eleanor puts her hands on both Liz' shoulders, "No matter what happens, you are still my best friend. Nothing will ever change that." She reassures her as Liz smiles, hugging her one last time.

"Good bye, Eleanor Wakefield. I promise to facetime you as much as I can." She smiles as Eleanor smiles back.

"Good bye, Liz Allen. I promise to answer your calls as much as I can." A tear falls down once again as Liz let go of Eleanor's hand. She watched her leave as she wipes her tears away, making her way in the library.

The time she enters the library, everyone's head turned to look at her in a sympathetic way. It disgust her, she hates the attention. Ironically.

She sits down between Ornella and Mabel, who both held her hands under the table. She glances at Michelle who nodded and smiled at her. Eleanor smiles back as she looks at Peter who looks sad and stressed. She frowns as she remembers what he did to Liz.

Eleanor looks away as she looks at Mr.Harrington as he's about to announce the new team captain.

"I'll assign it to Michelle." Michelle looks up and nods, Eleanor claps her hands along with the other teammates.

"M-my friends call me MJ." She hesitates as she looks down the table. Ornella looks at her while smiling.

"I thought you didn't have any friends?" Ned teased, looking at her reaction.

"I....... didn't." She answered as Eleanor hears a vibration from Peter's phone. The brunette girl looks at him curiously.

"I-I have to go." Peter said, turning his back from his teammates.

"Hey, where you going?" Michelle asked, looking at him.

Peter slowly turns to look at her, pointing at the door. Eleanor watches him suspiciously.

"What are you hiding, Peter?" After Michelle asked that question, Eleanor feels the tension inside the room. Peter's eyes widened and it immediately hit Eleanor, the boy is hiding something.

"I'm just kidding, I don't care, bye!" Michelle teased him, Eleanor looks at her and immediately drops the theory of him hiding something.

Few days passed and Eleanor is still healing by her best friend's absence. She feels quite better now since she's still with her two other best friends but it will never be the same again.

Eleanor enters the school, looks up to see Betty Brant's traumatizing expression while announcing the morning announcements. She smiles as she looks away just to see Peter Parker, slamming his locker close. He freezes, as he looks back at Eleanor.

Eleanor walk towards him, unsure what he feels about him. But she does feel furious. Why the hell did he do that to Liz?

"Can we talk?" Eleanor nervously asks, Peter nods as he hears her heart beat fast. He frowns as he thought about her anger towards him.

"Why did you do that?" Peter looks down, knowing she's talking about Liz. His chest aches at the sound of her voice. She sounds vulnerable and hurt, which made Peter furious at himself.

Peter didn't answer, so Eleanor continued talking, "I was about to ask for your forgiveness. For being a complete asshole to you about Liz which I'm still guilty for and I was willing to give you a chance but you blew it even right before I give it to you. Now tell me, why did you do that to Liz?"

Peter had the courage to look at her eyes as he sees the hurt and frustration in them. He breathes out as he tells her another one of his lies.

"I had an emergency, I'm sorry."

"Bullshit, Peter. You're not supposed to apologize to me. It's Liz who you have to say sorry to."

"I did, and I'm saying sorry to you now because you're her best friend and I did hurt you for hurting Liz that night." Peter meant it. Although he isn't the biggest fan of Eleanor, he still feels guilty about messing up everything for Liz and that he didn't realize that he's hurting one of her closest friends.

"Tell me, Peter. What happened that night?" Eleanor crosses her arms as he waits for his response. She watches how he opens his mouth to answer but immediately closed it.

"You won't understand, Eleanor." Eleanor scoffs at his answer.

"Try me." She convinced him to tell her but he shakes his head.

"I-I can't."

Eleanor nods, "Fine, I'm not wasting my time anymore. Bye, Parker." She walks away with a heavy chest.

Peter felt bad that he couldn't tell her. He sighs as he picks up his backpack, feeling guilty about another lie he just said.

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