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         WEEKENDS are the best days for everyone, especially for Eleanor Wakefield

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         WEEKENDS are the best days for everyone, especially for Eleanor Wakefield. She ties her shoe laces as she plans to go for a walk around the city.

"You sure you're done with your homework?" Ron asks suspiciously while grabbing his keys from the top of the fridge. Eleanor looks at him from the mirror as she puts her hair in a high ponytail.

"Yes, I did, dad. You know I always do them on Fridays." Ron nods as he takes his last sip from his coffee.

"Nerd." Ron mutters as Eleanor gasps while putting her green bomber jacket on.

"Did my dad just called me a nerd?" Eleanor teased her father. Ron playfully rolls his eyes as he stops digging in his bag to look at his daughter.

"It's what your mother always calls me way back in high school." He smiles at her, reminiscing the moments he has with his wife.

Eleanor smiles as she remembers how her father would always tell her their love story and  how it would never fail to make her smile.

"Alright, enough with the drama! I'm off to work. Take care during your walk, kid." Ron kissed Eleanor's forehead as she nods.

The girl waits for her father to leave, she grabs her earphones and puts it on both of her ears. She prepared her favourite playlist as she bops her head while lip syncing.

Eleanor opens her door to jog downstairs, she lives in the fourth floor of her apartment and chose not to take the elevator since she wanted to exercise. The brunette immediately regretted it when she was trying to catch her breath.

She puts her hand on the hand pockets of her jacket as she whistles a tone, trying to warm herself. The teenage girl looks around and started observing everyone around her. Everyone seems to be busy, she thought.

The girl stops, waiting for the stop light. She taps her right feet impatiently as she murmured the lyrics of the song she's listening to.

Eleanor takes out her phone as she decides to change her music, she saw a woman beside her cross the streets, giving her a signal that it's a green light. The girl started crossing while still scrolling to her phone.

Her heart almost dropped when she hears a car honking in front of her, the same time a boy with red and blue latex suit stands in front of her, raising his hand in front of the car.

Eleanor was supposed to apologize to the driver but she finds herself staring at the back of the head of Spider-Man who just saved her life. Her jaw still open, with her phone still on her hand.

"Move along, sir." The masked boy spoke up, moving away in front of the car as Eleanor did the same. The driver glared at Eleanor as he drove away.

Spider-Man turns around to face Eleanor. The girl looks at him, still dumbfounded. The vigilante clears his throat and Eleanor finds herself back to normal.

"You shouldn't be using your phone while crossing, ma'am." He said with an exaggerated deep voice.

Eleanor smiles and raises her brow, she looks at him and speaks up, "Are you making your voice deeper?"

"N-no... I'm not." He stutters, scratching his head.

"Yes, you are. I saw you and heard your voice in DC. I know what a girl sounds like." Eleanor teases as she saw how his eyes widened and groaned right after.

"I'm not a girl, I-I'm a boy." He corrects in his normal voice.

"Got it, spidey." Eleanor answered, smiling at the masked boy.

However, Peter on the other hand, felt weird talking to her and her being nice to him. It felt weird seeing her smile which he hasn't seen for a long time. Seventh grade, specifically. He clears his throat and nods at her.

"Thank you, by the way. I would've been dead if you weren't here." The teenage girl thanked him with a soft smile. Peter felt weirder at her kindness once again as he just nods, feeling awkward.

"Not only for this but for what you did back in DC, we really appreciate it." Eleanor added and puts her right hand in front of him. Peter looks down, hesitating if he should shake it.

Peter swallows as he accepted her hand and gave her a hand shake, "No problem, ma'am. It's my job."

He was about to let go of her hand when the girl suddenly speaks up again.

"I'm Eleanor, by the way. That's my name- What's yours?" She babbled while attempting to trick him.

Peter smirks under his mask, he kinda misses this side of her. If only she could act like this way to him again, he thought.

He lets out a laugh, shaking his head as he lets go of her hand.

"Not a chance, Eleanor." He teased while he started to shoot a web in a building.

Peter took a glance at the building he shot at and looked back at Eleanor who was still smiling at him.

"I'll see you around, Eleanor." He bids her a good bye, thinking he most likely won't see this side of her anymore.

"I'll see you around, Spider-Man." Eleanor replies, waving at him. The vigilante nods at her, giving her a thumbs up as he flew away. The girl watched him leave and walked away right after, a smile not leaving her face.

It was always her dream to have an encounter with Spider-Man. She used to stay up all night to watch some youtubers having a story time video about their encounter with the superhero himself. Eleanor smiles at herself as she realized that she has her own story time about her interaction with the vigilante.

She walks home texting Mabel and Ornella about what happened, she scrolls on Twitter and received a notification. She opens it and saw someone who she never thought would follow her. She stares at the four bolded words in front of her eyes, making sure that she isn't hallucinating. There it said,

@PeterParker started following you!

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