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ELEANOR makes her way to her locker, blinking hard with a tired expression on her face

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ELEANOR makes her way to her locker, blinking hard with a tired expression on her face. It's a day before homecoming, it's all everyone is talking about, last minute promposals are everywhere, and Eleanor is tired of them.

It's not like she's tired of it because she doesn't have a date, it's just by the fact that they should have done the proposals sooner, then she wouldn't be annoyed by it. She opens her locker and stares at all of her books for a minute. She sighs, taking her math book. The girl slams her locker as she almost bumped into Peter Parker.

The brunette watches how Peter smoothly dodges her with widened eyes. Peter looks at her with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry." He says as he stops walking to face her. Eleanor raises her brows at him.

"Sorry for what?" She smirks teasingly, crossing her arms in front of him.

"For almost bumping into you." He replies awkwardly, avoiding eye contact from her. Eleanor's smile drops, as a thought crosses her mind. Is Peter Parker scared of her?

"Okay, bye!" Eleanor quickly runs away, mentally slapping herself for another awkward encounter with her former crush.

Yes, former crush. The girl decided to end her feelings for Peter Benjamin Parker. She felt like she was betraying her best friend, Liz. She shakes her head to get the thought of her awkward interaction with the boy out of her mind.

Peter on the other hand, watching her running away from him, he furrows his brows as he shakes his head with a confused smile. He thinks about their interaction and finds it weirdly cute, he sighs, as he reminds himself that the girl actually hates him.

Eleanor enters the auditorium, looking around to see who's inside. She slowly drops her bag on the table, sitting in front of it. The girl puts her palm under her chin, taking a deep breath.

Although they just finished the academic decathlon finals, the team still offers tutors for any kind of classes in school. Eleanor is currently having difficulties in math class, specifically geometry.

"Boo." A girl shakes her shoulders from behind. Eleanor jumps, looking behind her with wide eyes.

She sees Mabel with a teasing smirk, sitting beside her with her chemistry book, "Pussy." She teases as Eleanor playfully pushed her.

Liz and Ornella sits in front of the two girls, bringing out their own books. Eleanor raises a brow at Liz, confused on why she's on tutoring.

"What is your smart ass doing in here, Toomes?" Eleanor snickers while Liz raised her brows at her while opening a math and science textbook.

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