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           "DO YOU HAVE ALL OF YOUR BOOKS ALREADY?" Eleanor tries to help Michelle, who is double checking if she has all of her stuff before they leave for their competition

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   "DO YOU HAVE ALL OF YOUR BOOKS ALREADY?" Eleanor tries to help Michelle, who is double checking if she has all of her stuff before they leave for their competition.

Michelle nods, giving her an appreciative smile, "I'm good now, have you double checked yours?" She asks, shoving her book inside her bag.

Eleanor nods, grabbing her backpack, "We're good." She points a thumbs up, as they made their way outside their hotel room.

The girl nervously rubs her hands together, she glances at Michelle who is taking pictures.

"Are you nervous?" She curiously asks, she wanted to get to know the curly haired girl better. Michelle stopped taking pictures and turns around to look at her.

"A little bit I guess, how about you?" Eleanor bites her lip and nods, still rubbing her hands.

"You'll do great, you're good in math and science, aren't you?" Her new friend tries hard to reassure her that she'll do just fine.

"Thanks." Eleanor answers, giving the girl a soft smile. Liz Allan spots the two girls, she approaches them.

"Hey, girls!" Liz happily greets, Eleanor nervously smiles at her. Her best friend frowns at her expression.

"You're nervous, aren't you?" Michelle smirks, nodding while teasing her roommate.

Liz smiles, rubbing Eleanor's shoulder, "You'll do just fine, don't worry about it."

They all stand there, waiting for everyone to be ready. The time everyone is ready, Eleanor narrows her eyes after she realizes that Peter Parker and Ned Leeds are the only ones who aren't appearing. She looks around, trying to look for them.

"Hey, are we all here now?" Mabel asks, Eleanor shakes her head, "Peter and Ned are not here yet."

"I'll call them." Ornella sighs, making her way to the boys' hotel room.

Eleanor and her friends anxiously waits for them, Liz casually checks the time, getting impatient.

Ornella arrives with Ned following with an anxious expression, Eleanor looks at them with a furrowed forehead.

"Where's Peter?" Liz asks, looking behind Ned. Ned shrugs, failing to think of an excuse.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Mabel raises her voice, Eleanor looks at him with widened eyes, Michelle rolls her eyes and face palmed.

"You're literally his roommate! How the hell do you not know where he is?" Michelle hissed, taking a step forward. Ned takes a step backwards, looking nervous as ever.

"I don't know! I just woke up and he's gone! I've been nervous and panicking this whole morning!" Ned bawled, Eleanor rests her hand on her forehead, watching Ned who's currently panicking.

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