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  IT TOOK ELEANOR HALF AN HOUR for her to realize that Peter didn't come back downstairs, she looks at Ned who is pitifully waiting for Peter to come back

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IT TOOK ELEANOR HALF AN HOUR for her to realize that Peter didn't come back downstairs, she looks at Ned who is pitifully waiting for Peter to come back. He looks at his phone which was ringing and answers it. She figured out it was Peter since she heard him say "Dude, where are you?" on his phone.

"PENIS PARKER!" Flash Thompson starts chanting as the whole crowd chanted as well, Eleanor looks at Ned who is currently pointing his phone towards Flash's voice so Peter can listen to it. Eleanor sighs as she snatched the microphone away from Flash.

"Quit it, Flash. I'm serious." She screams through the loud music, Flash rolls his eyes, taking his microphone back and stopped chanting. She looks at Ned again, who is watching her, giving her an appreciative nod.

Eleanor nods at him and walks away, she never saw Peter Parker again that night.

Eleanor enters the big school, looking around the lockers to find her best friends. She spots Ornella and Mabel, talking in the middle of the hallway. She makes her way to them, tightening her grip on the strap of her backpack.

"Hey uglies." The girl jokingly greets them, earning a glare from Mabel.

"I didn't make an effort for my makeup this morning for you to call me ugly." Eleanor rolls her eyes, nudging Mabel.

"You guys are going to nationals?" Eleanor asks.

"We're obligated, aren't we?" Ornella answers with a smirk, Mabel shrugs, "Well unless if you have an emergency then you can be excused. Are you coming?"

Eleanor nods, spotting Liz walking in their way. "Hey, guys! Let's all go to the cafeteria now, we will have an important discussion to talk about." She beckons the girls to come with her, Eleanor and her best friends follows her, entering the cafeteria with full of students.

They all sat down in a table where is specially reserved for the decathlon team, Eleanor spots Peter Parker playing with his hand with a nervous expression on his face.

Everyone in the table was talking about how excited they are for nationals until Peter said something, "I can't go to nationals." The whole team falls silent. Eleanor looks at him, not surprised at all. She just nods and looks at Liz who looks really disappointed.

"You can't bail a week before nationals, we don't have anyone as strong as you in physics." Liz convinces Peter to stay, Peter frowns.

"You have Flash!" He desperately points at Flash.

"You have me!" The whole team disagrees, Eleanor snorts. Flash glares the whole team, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't." Some of the team threw wraps of burgers at him, as he dodges one by one. He stands up as Liz follows him. Eleanor watches the pair while they're talking.

Eleanor watches Liz desperately trying to convince Peter to change his mind while Peter looks like his decision is final. Liz walks away from Peter with a disappointing expression.

Ornella rubs Liz' shoulders while she rubs her forehead, thinking of a way how to replace Peter.

"Flash, for the love of god, please practice your flash cards for physics. We lost our best member for it." Liz sighs, the whole team groans while Flash nods, smirking at the whole team.

After school, Eleanor and the clique hangs out at Liz' room, practicing their flash cards. They are all stressing for nationals but excited as well to visit DC.

"I can't believe Peter Parker bailed for nationals." Ornella says.

"Tell me about it." Liz sighs, playing with her flash cards.

"I'm honestly not surprised." Eleanor stated, the whole clique looks at her surprised.

"Why?" Mabel curiously asks, Eleanor shrugs, "I mean the boy barely attended practice for two months straight, I wouldn't be surprised if he skips national too." Eleanor explains, Liz shakes her head, "I'm pretty sure he has a good reason."

"You're right, but can't he just tell us what's his reason? Is he going through something?" Eleanor argues.

"You know it's not easy for him to just say his problem." Liz defends Peter once again that made Eleanor frustrated.

"Look, I feel bad for him if he does but it's unfair for us to wait for him when he can't even tell us the reason why he's been skipping. I mean, it's clearly obvious that he's not interested in joining decathlon anymore." Eleanor sighs, looking away from Liz to read her flash cards. She doesn't wanna argue about it anymore. Liz felt a pang on her chest about what her best friend said, she clearly doesn't want Peter to leave the team.

"We're slowly losing our best person in physics." Mabel grumbles.

"Well, we probably already lost him anyway." Ornella replies while she's playing with her cards.

The room falls in silent, so quiet that it makes Eleanor deaf.

"I think I just caught feelings for Peter Parker." Liz blurts out, Eleanor looks at her with wide eyes.

"You did not." She murmurs, looking at Mabel and Ornella who are just as surprised as she is. They were all looking at her with wide eyes.

"Liz, I told you he's a-" Liz cuts Mabel off, "I know but I can't control my feelings."

Eleanor looks away from her while feeling her heart break in pieces, she mentally slaps herself to stop all the thoughts of her and Peter together now that she knows Liz have feelings for him too. Eleanor guiltily looks at her again, "I don't like him." She whispers but she didn't say it to her, she said it to herself, to convince herself that she doesn't have any feelings for the boy.

The whole group looks at the brunette with curious eyes. "Why?" Liz asks, feeling curious about why on earth her best friend doesn't like an innocent boy who didn't do anything wrong to her. Eleanor never really dislikes anyone, and if she does then there be might a strong reason why she does.

Eleanor didn't expect them to hear what she said, she clears her throat and looks at her hand. She can't lie to Liz if she said it while looking at her eyes.

"Because he skips decathlon all the time." Eleanor mentally face palmed by her stupid reason.

Mabel scoffs,"That's not a strong reason for you to dislike him."

Ornella shakes her head and interrupts their argument, "Because that's not the only reason why she doesn't like him." Eleanor looks at Ornella with wide eyes.

"Her and Peter used to be friends, until Peter stopped talking to her for no reason." Ornella explains, Liz looks at Eleanor with wide eyes, "How come you never told me about this?"

Ornella was the only person to know about Eleanor and Peter's friendship during middle school. She told her about it since she became friends with her before she even met Mabel and Liz.

Eleanor opens her mouth to answer but she closes it again. She looks at Liz as she hesitantly answered, "Because I don't like to talk about it."

i'm sorry i really didn't know how to end this chapter and this is ugly JFJJSS just to warn yall eleanor will try hard for herself to hate peter so she can get over him which is something i would do ok bye

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