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     "KISS, MARRY OR KILL?" Mabel's voice echoes in the empty auditorium where the clique is supposed to practice with their flash cards in preparation for Decathlon nationals

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"KISS, MARRY OR KILL?" Mabel's voice echoes in the empty auditorium where the clique is supposed to practice with their flash cards in preparation for Decathlon nationals. They eventually got lazy so they decided to play a game together.

"Alright, who you got?" Ornella replies, positioning herself in a mini couch.

"Harry Styles, Dylan O'Brien or Cole Sprouse?" Mabel snickers, waiting for Ornella to reply. Ornella cringes by the mention of Cole Sprouse' name that made Eleanor laugh.

"Marry Harry, kiss Dylan and definitely kill Cole." Ornella unhesitatingly answers.

"Cole is so overrated, he's not even that cute." Liz grimaces, the whole clique agreeing on her unpopular opinion.

"Even her twin brother is cuter than him." Mabel declares as Eleanor snorts, "They exactly look the same, because you know... they're twins." The group laughed together.

"Alright, my turn!" Ornella shouts, raising a fist, Liz playfully rolls her eyes at her gesture, Eleanor waits for Ornella's given names as she pretends to scratch her imaginary beard with an exaggerated thinking expression.

"Peter Parker, Flash Thompson and Ted Roy." Ornella teases, pointing at Liz. Eleanor rolls her eyes at the mention of Peter's name.

"Kill Flash, kiss Ted and marry Peter." Liz answers with a blush on her face, Mabel raises a brow at her.

"Don't tell me you're having cute ass feelings for Parker." Ornella teases, Eleanor snorts at the thought of Liz Allan, the most senior popular girl, dating a sophomore.

"I don't know." Liz shrugs, Eleanor's widens at her realization.

"You do have feelings for him." The girl bleated, Liz gives her a look.

"But, he's a sophomore and you're a senior. You'll be gone here next year, Allan." Mabel cautioned as Eleanor agrees, nodding along.

"I said I wasn't sure, it's not like I'm dating him." The dark skinned girl reassures, playing with her flash cards while biting her lip.

"You will think about dating him soon if your feelings for him gets deeper." Ornella warns and by this time, Eleanor wasn't so sure by why she doesn't like the idea of Liz dating Peter, she shrugs it off and tries to pay attention for Decathlon instead.

Eleanor enters the library with her science book, her and Ornella are the only sophomore girls on their clique while Mabel is a junior and Liz is a senior.

The girl silently drops her bag in an empty seat beside her, carefully putting the book on the table. She spots Michelle Jones, a table away from her, nose buried in a book.

She then spots two boys in the corner of her eyes, her eyes trailed in the main door where she sees Peter Parker and Ned Leeds looking around the library for empty seats. She rolls her eyes and hope they won't take a seat near her.

Eventually, they took a seat near Michelle, which was pretty near to Eleanor as well. The brunette sighs, trying hard not to get distracted by them.

But she finds herself observing Peter who was currently talking to Ned about some Star Wars nerd shit, she watches how he smiles and laughs at every joke his best friend says, the way he pulls at his hair in confusion, staring at his homework, the way his brown eyes shine when the sun from the outside hits his bright face and the way his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.

Eleanor's eyes widened realizing what she's doing, she accidentally drops her book in panic, echoing the whole library with a loud sound. Peter finally notice her, who was currently struggling to get her book. He makes his way to her table, gets the book and handed it to her.

Eleanor slowly looks up at him, with scared eyes. Peter notices it, as he observes her expression and waits for a sign that she's in trouble. Nothing came up, so he just smiles at her.

"Here's your book." He whispers, quietly enough for people around them to not hear their conversation.

Eleanor clears her throat, takes the book from his hand and gives him a blank stare.

"Thank you." Eleanor answers, still maintaining her blank expression and looks away.

Peter nods, and goes back to his place. He watches the girl how she hurriedly shoved her stuff in her bag, leaving the library in a hurry.

"Well, did you tell her to leave?" Michelle jokes, as Peter eyes her.

"Shut up, MJ." Peter throws a piece of paper at her as she smoothly dodged it, flipping him off.

Eleanor stares at her locker, thinking about how she caught herself staring at the dumb cute Peter Parker in the library, she slams her locker when she realizes something.

She thinks Peter Parker is cute, and that's a bad sign for her.

look i know these are actually short but i promise other chapter will be a lot longer, PATIENCE KIDS!

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