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      ELEANOR groans, trying to do her math homework, she gives up and shoves it in her bag

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      ELEANOR groans, trying to do her math homework, she gives up and shoves it in her bag. She stares at her wall, thinking on what she'll eat for dinner. The petite girl glances at her clock, almost 10 pm and her father is still not home. Eleanor sighs, as she puts her earphones in, blasting pop music and drags her feet in the kitchen to eat something. She rubs her little stomach after she feels it grumbling. The straight haired girl opens up the fridge, as her face scrunches up realizing that there's no appropriate food for her to eat for dinner.

She opens up a cabinet with full of utensils while bopping her head to a pop song she's currently listening to. Eleanor looks at their main door, waiting for her father to come home.

Her mother died when she was only nine, in the battle of New York. It obviously took awhile for the girl to move on but she moves on once in a while every day. There's no day where she doesn't think about her, she sighs as she glanced at a picture of her and her mother, smiling in front of an airport in Hawaii. She smiles and picks up the picture frame, blowing the dust off.

"I miss you, mom." She thought as she gently puts it back in its place, she checks the time again, worrying for her father.

Her father is a police officer. Although she knows he would have a lot of late shifts because he's a part of NYPD and New York is a crazy city with full of crimes, she still couldn't help but worry for her father since she has gotten paranoid after what happened to her mother. Her father being a police officer doesn't help it.

She waits for her ramen to warm up as the bored girl decides to pick up the remote control and turns the television on.

"The vigilante Spider-Man is seen helping an old woman cross the streets." The voice of the news reporter echoes in her apartment, Eleanor smiles a little at the mention of Spider-Man, sitting on her couch in indian style.

Although her father isn't the biggest fan of Spidey, she adores him. She tends to make fun of him after she caught him watching a bunch of Spider-Man videos on youtube.

The girl shoves a spoon full of ramen in her mouth as she watches the vigilante swinging in her television, she's always been amazed at how he swings without fear around the city.

She finally hears her door unlocks by itself, a sign that her father is already home.

"Honey, I told you to eat and sleep early. What are you still doing up?" Her father's voice echoes in their apartment, Eleanor greets him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I was doing my math homework and got lost track of time, dad." Eleanor explains while Ron, her dad, raises a brow.

"I'll be sleeping right after I finish this ramen." She lies, knowing she'll still scroll on twitter for tweets and gossip that has been going around the school. Ron seems convinced as he drops all of his stuff on the table, positioning himself on the couch as his expression slowly changed as he realized who was on the news.

"Big ol' Spider-Man!" Ron screams at their tv causing her daughter to playfully roll her eyes while she does the dishes.

"I'm going to bed now, dad." Eleanor said to his sleepy father who is now slowly falling asleep in front of the tv.

"Good night, dad." She whispers while she pulls a blanket on his father's figure. She smiles at the view of him finally resting after a long day. She slowly and silently made her way to her room and prepares her bed.

The surrounding is pretty peaceful until she hears some weird noises across the other building just beside her apartment building, she looks closely at the window and sees a boy shirtless, looking startled while staring at a boy who just dropped something. The girl did not recognize the shirtless boy due to her bad vision.

"You were on the ceiling!" A boy screams as Eleanor snorts, she drops it and decided to go to bed and sleep early for her classes the next day.

I know this is bad I'm sorry but the purpose of this chapter is to show a little background on Eleanor's life, living with her father. hehe i still hope you liked it though 🤪

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