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      ELEANOR sits in a chair beside Ornella

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ELEANOR sits in a chair beside Ornella. They're currently in chemistry class, waiting for the teacher to begin. She opens her textbook, she observes all of the pictures inside the book until the girl heard someone walking in class. She looks at the boy and sees Peter Parker hurriedly sits on his place, asks someone beside him about the pages, Eleanor shakes her head.

"He really can't get his shit together huh." She accidentally blurted out as Ornella gives her a look.

"Who are you talking about?" She asks, raising her brows at her. Eleanor slowly looks at her, realizing she just said what was running on her mind.

"Nothing." She quickly replies, clearing her throat. Eleanor continue looking at Peter Parker, who is currently opening and closing a mini cabinet below his table.

"Why is he doing that?" Ornella asks, not keeping her eyes off Peter. Eleanor jumps, looking at her. Her best friend looks back at her amusingly, "You were staring at Peter Parker weren't you?" The brunette quickly shakes her head.

"Why would I?" Ornella laughs, shaking her head. "Do you have a crush on little Peter?" She teases, Eleanor grimaces, pushing her away, the brunette curly haired girl almost fell from her seat.

"I almost fell, Wakefield!" Ornella whisper shouts while Eleanor laughs it off, positioning herself as their teacher starts the class.

Science class went so fast, Eleanor Wakefield didn't even have time to observe Peter. The girl quickly changes into her gym uniform, approaching Liz, Mabel, Betty and Ornella in the bench.

"Let's play kiss marry or kill again!" Betty gushes as Eleanor groans, getting tired of that game.

"I'm so tired of that game." Liz playfully rolls her eyes, she asked Betty to start the game.

"Alright, Captain America, Iron Man or Spider Man?" Betty giggles as Eleanor smiles at the mention of Spider Man.

"I'm asking Liz, by the way!" She added, Eleanor felt a little disappointed since she wanted to answer it but she shrugs it off, waiting for her best friend's answer.

"Marry Spider Man, kiss Iron Man and kill Captain America." She answers hesitatingly, Mabel gasps.

"Why would you ever want to kill Captain America?" Mabel bleated, Liz shrugs and said "Not really the biggest fan of him." Eleanor agrees, "Me too, not the biggest fan over the mess he did in Washington."

"I agree." Ornella agrees as well, Mabel gasps, pretending to be hurt by putting a hand over her chest.

"Quit being dramatic, Buckley." Eleanor sniggers.

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