First Meeting

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The two friends walked to Adrien's house where they agreed to meet. While Alex had very energetic yet nervous walks, Mia walked lazily and sloppy. It was obvious who was actually excited for what they signed up for.

"I'm really nervous!" Alex told her, practically jumping around her.

"Ah, you have nothing to worry about, Al. You're hard working, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." Mia told him.

Somehow, that didn't quite make him feel better. It looked like he got even more nervous.

"But that's all I have going for myself. I'm not smart, or logical, or creative or innovative-" He continued to have his small mental breakdown until Mia cut him off.

"Alex, you don't need all of that. You're hard working, determined, passionate and loyal. Focus on your pros instead of panicking over what you're not." She looked annoyed that she even had to tell him this.

"Yeah. I am. I am. You're right." Alex repeated, looking more assured now. 

"Of course I am." Mia nodded, kind of smiling.

She started thinking of ways of how she could make Adrien kick her out of this project. Should she break something? Be very dumb while simultaneously making Alex seem smarter? Or should she just act disrespectful in general? She needed to see what would make him tick the most.

They arrived at his house. Well, house was an understatement. It was huge, oddly resembling a huge villa. It was obvious this man had money, judging by the all the extravagant decorations he had. 

Mia rang the doorbell, making Alex jump in fear, telling her he wasn't even ready yet in a very panicked way. But when Adrien opened the door, Alex froze with a serious face, looking more seriously instantly, which Mia found hilarious. 

"Hello, Mister Marais!" Alex chirped out, his energy popping out of the serious exterior laughably fast. 

"Good day to you too, Mister Carvallo, Miss Amyot. Come inside, we have a lot of work to do." He gestured them to get inside.

The inside was just as extravagant as on the outside, with even more exotic decorations on the inside. They went to his huge living room, sitting on his huge black colored sofa. He had at least six sofa's going in a sort of circle, obviously used to having lots of guests. 

"I'll go get the girl. You kids wait here." Adrien told him, referring to the newbie. 

As soon as he left, Alex squealed in excitement as he looked at Mia, who was sitting right next to him. She flinched on the sudden high pitched noise. 

"I can't believe this is happening!" He exclaimed, but a bit more quietly so Adrien doesn't hear him. 

"I can't believe my ear survived that." Was her only answer as she rubbed her ear.

"Sorry. But I'm just super happy!" Alex repeated once more, showing the enthusiasm he had for this quite a lot.

Adrien soon came back from upstairs. The mysterious girl with green hair following him with a bit of a distance, her hands still in shackles. He ordered to sit across the two of them. She did so, her head down just like she had it in their classroom. 

"To get down to business, you do not have to attend school from now on. This is considered part of your curriculum, and if you do well enough, a direct job to being a caretaker." Adrien explained to them as he sat next to the mysterious girl.

Mia grinned. No school, eh? Well, she could maybe postpone being kicked out for a little bit. No school seemed fine and Alex won't bitch about her skipping it. Maybe this wasn't that bad. 

"The two of them are Mia Amyot and Alex Carvallo. I'm sure you recognize them from the class we attended." Adrien told the very quiet girl.

She only nodded, telling him she remembered. 

"They'll be helping you with regaining your memories, so it would be good if you cooperated." He said again, not really caring that she obviously looked scared and sad.

"So, should we start with your first suggestion?" Adrien asked Mia. 

"Yeah, that'd be good. Which year was she born and in which she died in?" Mia questioned, taking this half seriously.

The girl looked up a bit at Adrien, interested in what the answer was. Adrien looked at the paper he was carrying around the whole time, looking for the required information. 

"She was born in 1981 and killed in... 1997." He read out loud and then looked at his two apprentices. 

"You died while you were only sixteen..." Alex gave the girl a look of sympathy, which made her surprised. 

Him showing sympathy made her question just what kind of place this was. Nobody really cared while she was sobbing in that classroom or they didn't notice. Although, that aside, sixteen seemed like a very small number. Like she did die at a young age. It sparked up an emotion of pain and sadness. Like her emotions recognized the information, but to her brain it just seemed like an useless fact. It didn't make her remember anything, just feel something. It wasn't enough. 

"Is any one of you familiar with this time period?" Adrien questioned them, obviously not knowing himself. 

"Nope, I died in the 70's so I wouldn't know..." Mia answered, getting a bit intrigued once she noticed she didn't know quite a lot about this.

"I do! I was born around then. I could help!" Alex yelled out, happiness and enthusiasm in his voice.

"Excellent. Mister Carvallo, I trust you to show her some recognizable examples from that time period. Come tomorrow with some examples of what you think could trigger a memory." Adrien closed her file, looking satisfied.

"That'll be all for our schedule today. So I'll see you tomorrow at the same time. I expect multiple examples. I don't want you doing nothing, Miss Amyot, so I expect you at least try to cooperate." Adrien told the two of them who started packing up to leave.

Mia rolled her eyes at Adrien's condescending and smartassy voice. She wanted to tell him something rude, but she decided to go against it. She'll do it some other time, she just really wanted to leave now. 

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