Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Jenny's POV:

Dad was screaming at me to clean my room which I was. Well, my bathroom but that counts. When he left, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and continued to put dirty clothes in the hamper.

Man, I had a lot of dirty clothes. When the floor was clean, I vacuumed and cleaned the walls. I finally made my bed afterwards. I scanned my room in accomplishment.

"Dad! Room's clean!" I yelled down the hall to his studio. I played on my laptop for the next couple of hours when I got a DM from a belieber. Yes, I have beliebers as twitter friends.

From @beliebersrule
Hi Jenny. What's up?

To @beliebersrule
Nm. Just finished cleaning my room. My dad's going on tour in the near future.

From @beliebersrule
OMG! Will you and Jamie come with him?

To @beliebersrule
I'll ask.

No response. She was probably freaking out. I smiled as I turns back to my computer. I went to find my dad in his studio.

"Dad?" I questioned before I walked in. He took off his headphones and turned around.

"Yes sweetie?" He said tiredly.
"Can Jay and I go on tour with you?" I asked,
nervousness at the edge of my lips.

"You have school." He stated plainly.

"Pleeeeeeeeeease." I begged, using my best puppy dog eyes.

"Two weeks only. Before school starts." He gave in. I smiled as I went to find my sister.

"Jay." I sing-sang.

"Yes." She said as she came out of her room.

"We're going on tour with dad." As we squealed together.

"GIRLS! KEEP IT DOWN!" My dad screamed from his studio. We stopped and giggled.

Jay's POV:

I couldn't believe I was going on tour with my dad. I took out my phone and tweeted about it. Since I was a Bieber, I had a lot of followers. The beliebers went crazy. I smiled at my phone, reading the comments. I saw some hate but decided to ignore it.

A/N: This was cute! :)

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